Part 15- All Clues Revealed

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Aubrey's POV:

I couldn't pay attention at all to my classes at college the next day.

The thoughts of the strange phone call the previous evening kept creeping back.

"Aaah, Miss Smith, how would you define William Wordsworth's contributions in the post Renaissance period"? Mrs. Harris, the kind, old, yet grumpy English Literature professor asked.

Sadly enough, my mind was obviously diverted to other, more pressing thoughts.

"Ummm, oh yes, William Wordsworth... Oh poor Will.." I stumbled, much to my embarrassment and enjoyment of the class.

"Are we straining your attention, dear?" Mrs. Harris enquired grudgingly.

"Well, no... I guess.." was all I could come up with.

"Okay then, take your seat. And do remember that marks will be reflected on behavior in your upcoming exams." she threatened.

Honestly, I couldn't care less. I don't know what my bae was up to, I had no freaking idea if my darling Josh was even alive. It couldn't have been him yesterday.. He doesn't sound like that.. Yet something about the man's voice made it seem it was his. Plus, how many people on earth call me "Bree"? One, including Josh. So that's settled. But that could have also been a mistake of a promotional guy's. But that would also mean that what was shown in news on T.V. was true. And a part of me, in fact, all of me refused to believe that it was true. Surely, Josh couldn't have been dead?! Surely not? No way. No freaking way!!

"What's up with you, Aubs? Everything fine, buddy?" Ryan asked.

"Nope. Everything is definitely not fine, Ryan."

"Look, Abby, we all know how much Josh meant to you. And he means a lot to us too, honestly. We even observed a minute's silence for him. How many students get that honor, Aubs? Ask yourself. Can you spend your life looking as gloomy as this? You have got to get over him, girl." Anna said.

A part of me wanted to tell them about the weird phone call, but I decided against it eventually. How silly of me to even think that. If it was indeed Josh, he wouldn't want people to find that out obviously.

That's it!! Bingo! Josh must be alive. And he made a puzzle which would be impossible to solve for anyone, except me!! Hell yeah!

I got up and left. I simply rushed out.

"Excuse me, Ma'am, but I'm not feeling well", I said to Mrs. Smith before leaving.

"It's Josh, isn't it?" I heard her ask to my friends.

"Yes, very much. Aubrey was pretty much into him. She can't just forget him so quickly, Ma'am. She has been weeping ever since she heard the news." I heard Kelly reply.

I took a cab and rushed home. Obviously Mom wasn't back yet from work.

I got down to business straightaway.

Alright, "20, College Street Avenue.. There's actually a Tourist Travel Office there. Why would Josh give me a straightforward address? No, there's more to it than meets the eye.. And those countries? Why would he bullshit about some countries at random?" I wondered aloud to myself.

[Author: Pic at the top depicts Aubrey struggling to figure out the actual message intended for her]

Minutes went by, hours went by..

"Chuchchuchu... Pathetic. You're pathetic. Oh honey, this is a riddle you can't solve. Solve the riddle in your heart first." I had a vision of me, rather, my doppelganger saying this to me.

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