Part 11- Doppelganger

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Aubrey's POV:

Weekends! Woohooo! Finally!

After the weird happenings of the very first week and me finally in love for the first time in life, I'm actually feeling great after a long time!

"Hey mom, how did you feel when you met dad?"

"The first time I met Pete.... It was magical... It felt like the entire world had come to a halt.. It feels such a long way back now." Mom's eyes were glistening with tears.

Dad abandoned us for some pretty young chick, when I was young and all of thirteen months age.

"When will you start dating again? I don't wanna see you stuck up with that dork Ryan again. He doesn't deserve you. That's simple."

"Yeah, I did the right thing dumping him. Besides, work life relationships never do work out. Unfortunately, sweetie, I'm not getting any younger and trust me when I say this, the market has limited options for me. There's such a dearth of classy men these days."

"Kind of like dad. Such a sore, pathetic loser."

"Your father was a great man! Stop saying shit about him."

"Oh yeah? He must be brain-damaged to leave you for a younger woman! He's such a jerk. How many daughters are there in the world who haven't seen their dads even on the high school graduation day?"

"Many things your dad was. But not indecisive. And that man really was classy. Speaking of which by the way, there's this guy that I stumbled across from your college the other day. He oozes class. I guess he's Josh. Have you met him just on the off chance? Hahahaha.."

We laughed for quite a while. Mom knew all about us, and how much I liked him. I tell her everything. She's like a diary that you can fill in with your day-to-day stories and activities.

"What's your opinion, Mom? Do you think he's into me?"

"He should be. He must be gay if he doesn't fall in love with you, honey!"

"Awww, thanks, Mom!"

My phone beeped.

"Party @ my place guys.. parents out 4 weekend!! Yaaayy! :D Bring as many people as u can! ;) Come after 5 tom!" declared a message sent by Ryan.

"Great. Mom I got a weekend party for friends tomorrow at 5. Ryan is playing host."

"Yeah, so? Go and have fun tomorrow, darling!"

"Mom, you know how I hate going to these parties."

I was always the "I would prefer to stay at home, eat junk food, watch loads of TV and read story books on weekends" type, rather than the "go out and get drunk and high and party" type.

"Yes, I know dear. But perhaps you might invite Josh over to that party too?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right! Mom, I love you, I really do. I just keep saying this so often! Of course, that's what I will do! The party's gonna be so much fun with him! But what if he refuses?"

"Then there's only one way to find out, isn't it?"

"Okay. You're right, mom. Wait."

"Hey Josh wondering if u could mk ur way 2 a really cool party. Ryan's place. 2mrw at 5. Plz plz plz b thr!! Rpl asap! I wl text u the address" I texted.

As expected, no reply. 5 minutes gone, 10 minutes gone, still nothing. I have been texting him continuously and had sent him at least a hundred Whatsapp texts by now. I got his mobile phone number from him today. And that's it. No reply. I wonder if I took down the number correctly or if the number actually belonged to him at all.

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