Chapter 1//The Contest

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Forevers P.O.V.

"Forever we should join the contest," my sister Winter said. "And why should we do that," I replied. " Well probably because it's 5sos and your obsessed with them and do you even want me to go on." "Good point," I agreed. We are laying on the floor next to each other signing up for the contest when the doorbell rang. "Are you expecting anybody?" Winter and I said in unison. "No," we said in unison again.

The doorbell rang again. "Coming," I said. When I opened the door I was surprised to see my moms face. "I forgot my key, sorry," she said. "Its ok," I said.

"How was your day at work? Why are you off early?" I looked at the clock and it read 7:08 pm. That's unusual for my mom to be home this time because she usually gets home late. My mom is a nurse, she helps with deliveries and newborns. So you never know when she will be home. "Well Michelle has been on my ass the whole day," she replied. Michelle is my moms boss. She is not the nicest person at times but once you get to know her she is nice.

"What did she do?" I asked. "She kept on telling me to do different things at the same time. It was stressing me out. So now all I want to do is take a hot shower. So goodbye," then she went upstairs.


"Well I'm going to go to sleep now Winter ok," I told my sister. We had been watching Supernatural and Switched at Birth for the past five hours. "Me too," she replied. "Don't you just love summer days like these," I said. "Very much," she replied.

By the time we were done with our conversation we were in the bathroom. We brushed our teeth in silence. And with that we went to bed. When I was in my bed I kept on thinking about the contest. Would we win? If we did then we would get to meet 5sos. As my mind was clouded with thoughts I fell into a deep sleep


Hi this is my first story so sorry if it's really crappy. I'm going to be doing a qotd. The first one is How do you like the fanfic so far?


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