Chapter 13//The Forum

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"You walked in everyone was asking for your name you just smiled and told them 'trouble' my head spins I'm pressed against the wall just watching your every move your way to cool and your coming this way, coming this way." Luke lead, what a coincidence this was the sing that me and Linda heard when we met.

"How did we end up talkin in the first place you said you liked my Cobain shirt now we're walking, back to your place your tellin' me how you thought that song about living like a prayer I'm pretty sure that we're half way there but when I wake up next to you I wonder howwwwww, how did we end up here." Muke sang.

"How did we end up, how did we end up here." Michael and Luke went on.

"Next day out everybody thought you were so insane cause you were so far, out of my league my friends say I should look you down before you figure me out and you run away but you don't and you won't and you kiss me as you tell me that you're here to stay, here to stay, here to stay." Calum sang, man his singing got me; not that the others didn't, but wow.

They all sang the chorus again.

"Call me lucky cause in the end, she's a six and I'm a ten-" "LOS ANGELES," Ashton yelled.Luke, Calum, and Michael sang the rest of the song.

• • • • •

"Wow you guys sounded amazing up there!" I said when they came off stage.

"Thanks!" They all said in unison. Michael came and hugged me but he was so sweaty. I just couldn't say no to a hug from Michael Clifford. I mean who could do such a thing?!

After the boys took pictures and answered questions, and stuff with the V.I.P fans we left. There were about 28 teenage girls outside, but luckily we had Dave. He was always there when we got mobbed.

"I'm going to go get my hair dyed tomorrow, do you want to come?" I asked Michael.

"Sure, what time?" He answered. "Like at 2," I said. "Ok."

Yayyyyyy she's getting her hair dyed. Does anybody remember when I said that Michaels hair was green? Well that was a lie it was actually red, sorry. Qotd is do you read harry potter? Aotd is yess I ship romione♥, I'm on the fourth book. Well this chapter is 415 words. Byee beautiful llamas!

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