Chapter 16//Fair

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When we got to the arena the boys reaction were wow. They absolutely loved it. Luke played with her hair all day. They were so cute together.

Right now the boys are doing a concert and as usual its sounds amazing. They sound like angels. Michael's voice makes me want to drown myself, have you heard his solo in Wrapped Around Your Finger.

When they came backstage they all hugged Winter and I then went to take showers, since they were all sweaty. After Michael came out I asked him when we were going on our second date. "Today," he stated excitedly.

"Where are we going?" I asked impatiently.

"That is for me to know and you to ask. Just wear something casual it's nothing fancy."

"Pleaseeee," I begged him

"No now go get dressed."

• • • • •

"THE FAIR!" I screamed like a little girl.

"Shhh!" Michael whispered.

"But I haven't been to a fair in like 2 years!" I said, not wanting to be quiet.

"That doesn't mean you have to yell," Michael said much more calmer.

"Ok daddy," I don't know why I said that it was half sarcastic and half seductive.

Michael came closer to me and whispered stop it unless you want to see daddy with a boner. I giggled and said what if I do.

"Let's just go," he said his cheeks flushing.

When we got the tickets I asked Michael if we could get funnel cake. "Sure anything for you, baby," he added the last word shyly.

"There's no need to be embarrassed," I said not wanting him to be shy or embarrassed around me.

"But we're not official yet,"he said.

"But we can be," I said wanting more than anything to be his girlfriend.

"Soon," he said teasingly.

We got to the truck that was selling funnel cake. "What flavor do you want, babe?" Michael asked me a bit more confident.

"Uh strawberry please," I said eagerly.

"Anything else for you?" The woman in the truck asked.

"Can we have one more of the same flavor, please," Michael said.

The woman came back with our funnel cakes two minutes later. Once we finished we stood up from the beach we were on. There weren't that many people there which us shocking for a Friday night.

"Ok do you want to go on the rides now?" Michael asked me breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah lets go."

This will not turn into a daddy fanfic, ok? Guys sorry if I sound rude or mean but please don't ask me to update soon. I have school and I'm busy too I will try my best to update ASAP. Ok so for this chapter in order for me to update I will need 3 or more votes. I hope that's not to much for you guys. The qotd is how was your easter. Aotd is gr8 m8 lol. Byee beautiful llamas.

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