Chapter 14//Growing Up

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The bad thing about me dying my hair today was that Winters birthday is today. July 5, 1998 is my little sisters birthday. She is growing up to fast. Winter is coming with me to dye my hair; when she comes she doesn't know that she is also going to be dying her hair (if she wants to).

I already called my mom to ask her, it took A LOT of convincing but she finally agreed.

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"Why do I have to go?!" Winter asked.

"Er well because the boys are going to go to... practice for the next concert." I said struggling to find an excuse.

"Then why doesn't Michael have to go?" Winter asked getting on my nerves, although I wouldn't blame her if I was in her situation.

"Um- because it's a practice and all of them don't have to go." Well that was really stupid of me to say.

"You know it's my birthday and you're being bossy to the birthday girl." Ok now she's just being sassy.

"Lets just go now!" Michael bugged probably tired of standing there and watching us fight.

"Fine!" Winter said throwing her hands in the air. Now I feel bad, but I probably won't when she knows that she is going to dye her hair.

We decided we were going to take a taxi incase any fans spot us. The salon was so colorful inside.

"So you wanna get your hair dyed, or get ombre?" I asked Winter.

"What?" Winter replied.

"Do you wan-"

"No I mean are you serious?" Winter asked excitedly.

"Yes I asked mom and it took a bit of convincing but she finally agreed. So what do you want ombre or your whole head?"

So you guys all probably know how Winter and Forever look like. If you don't then look at Chapter 10. The hair in the picture is just what color they dye their hair not them. Qotd is do you watch Pretty Little Liars? Aotd is yes but I can't anymore because something happened to my Netflix. I was bearly on season 2. Byee beautiful llamas!

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