First Met

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Third Person's POV

In 1900, there was a kingdom where vampires and wolves came together, it was the Kingdom of Diamond. 50 years later, a vampire betrayed a fellow vampire for the throne. She killed the queen of the kingdom but the one that was accused, the wolves. Because of that incident, the king decided to expel the wolves from the kingdom. Wolves never hesitated to build their own kingdom just for wolves. They called it, the Kingdom of Sapphire. In this kingdom, the chief of the pack of wolf, Jackson, became king. King Jackson became the first king of the wolf race. But even though he is strong and brave, his heart softens when it comes to love. His heart softened when he met Aster. Jackson fell in love with Aster for her beauty and courage even though she was a woman. Of course, Aster's heart fell on Jackson as well. As a result, they married and Miriam became queen. Their romance resulted in having two children, Helena and Stellia. Helena, 13, practices archery; while Stellia, 12, practices murder by biting the necks of people she meets. Since there was a conflict between wolves and vampires, the desire of werewolves was to reproduce their clan by their abilities.

As the vampires, they changed the name of the kingdom and they called it the Kingdom of Amethyst. Miriam was appointed as a queen when her father died of illness. A few days later, the soldier handed something to Queen Miriam. An agreement in which all property would go to her and she should marry the richest man in the kingdom. Queen Miriam didn't followed suit and she married the chief of vampire soldiers, Dominic and appointed him as a king in the kingdom. At first, Queen Miriam had no deep feelings for King Dominic. But after a while, his heart fell on King Dominic because he compared it to his father. As a result, their union bore fruit. They introduced their children Mykel and Liane to the kingdom. Like other vampire families in their realm, the family was happy and peaceful even as they ruled the kingdom. But 12 years later, Dominic's world collapsed when he found out that Miriam was ill. So they made the most of every moment they had with Miriam. 2 weeks later, Miriam died; Dominic and their children are mourning. As a result, Dominic ruled the kingdom alone. But he did not think that his children could help him. Mykel, 14, became the leader of the pack of wolves. While Liane, 12, became the leader of the women wolves soldiers in the field of archery.

Stellia's POV
After my hard training, I returned to the kingdom and I joined the dinner and we were complete at the table. My parents talked to me.

"Stellia, don't be surprised by what your father and I will say." When she said that, my mother's lips trembled.

"Stellia, we talked to your mother and former King Arthur from the Kingdom of Topaz, we agreed that.." My father could not join because he did not want to hurt me.

We decided to marry you to Christopher." My mother could no longer hold back what she wanted to say.

When she said that, it was as if she had taken my soul. There are so many male vampires here in our kingdom, why is he still choose from my parents. I can’t help but be angry with them. "Why did you put me into your agreement! I obeyed your order. I entered the most disgusting and hardest training for me, then you let me into the agreement that I don't know? I wish that I'm not your daughter and.." I wasn't done with my reasoning, my mother slapped me and it is my first time that I received a slap from my mother. Now I know, I know that I’m not my parents' favorite. Because of that, I never finished what I ate and I went straight to my room even though I could hear my mother screaming.

I wept over the pain that I felt, it came to my mind that I had fled the kingdom and circled the whole forest. Before I circled the forest, I undressed because I wanted to see my body glowing because now the full moon has come out. I smell the scent of the protagonist from afar and I search for it. When I smelled it, I saw a young woman following the petals on the river. I did not hesitate, I followed the vampire girl. When she look back at me, I suddenly hid in a big tree and he smelled where I came from. Oops! They still have a strong sense of smell when the opponent is close to them. When she looked at the river again, she could no longer see the petals and I sat down on the big rock behind her so that I could scare her. When she looked behind her again, she saw me. Instead of her being afraid of me, she was amazed that I didn’t know the reason. What I did, I looked at her in the face and I saw her eyes glow. With the appearance of the bright moon, I changed form and became a wolf. At her glance, she was amazed by my strange appearance. Suddenly there was a noise behind her and she looked at it, she saw nothing. When she faces again to the front, I disappeared. She looked for it and she suddenly stiffened because she could feel the breath near on her shoulder. When she faced the back again, I glared at her. I looked into her eyes, and she knew that I was facing her.

"You're a vampire. Don't worry, I won't fight you first. I'm Stellia." I said and raised her hand slightly at the same time.

"I.. I'm Liane. Are you sure you can't fight me?" She asked with a shudder in her voice.

"Yes. I won't fight you FIRST. Maybe when we meet again. I'll give you something." I said and handed over the strand of my hair. "If we ever meet again, that strand of my hair will help you. When you see my hair glowing every cresent moon, that will be me. And when we meet again, I'll kill you." I explained to her. With the wolves screaming, I immediately said goodbye to her.

Before she could lose sight of me, I kissed her on the cheek and the wolf and I quickly ran away.

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