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Stellia's POV

I secretly return to the kingdom but there are creatures following me. I smelled the air and I could smell wolves from different kingdom. When I turned my back, I saw Christopher and some soldiers with him.

"Where are you going, Stellia? Looks like you went somewhere." He is coming closer to me with and evil smirk. I just realized that I was leaning against the tree and he brought his face closer to my neck. I can feel his nose on my neck. I was horrified when his mouth touched my neck. I gently pushed him away from me.

Did you meet a vampire?

My chest was full of nervousness when I heard his question. The weapons from his soldiers were aimed at me. I don't know whether to admit it or not. The soldiers lowered their weapons when a woman shouted at them.

What right do you have to accuse the princess?

Helena? How did she know that I fled the kingdom? The soldiers made way for my sister to come to me. She held my hand and was obviously worried.

"Are you all right, Stellia?" She asked me and looked at Christopher evilly.

"I'm fine, Helena. How did you-"

"Someone told me you were surrounded by soldiers." Helena said in a whisper. Is my sister connected to vampires? We walked past the soldiers and stopped to Christopher. Helena's eyes burned angrily at Christopher and the prince could not look at my sister. What a coward. She pointed her finger at Christopher and the man was obviously scared.

"My sister will never be with you. Just touch her with your violent hands, I will kill you." We passed Christopher. We made Helena walk faster so that Christopher wouldn't follow us and we reached a safe house where no one can go.

"Come, Stellia. You stay here while I stop what your fiancé is planning." My sister let me in to the safe house with a shock because of what she said.

I can't and I will not marry that jerk.

Helena chuckled and I rolled my eyes. I stopped when I saw a male vampire sitting on the sofa in the living room. I wasn't scared but I was surprised. I thought I was the only one who knew vampires. I came a little closer to him and observed him. Why does he look like Liane? He stood up from his seat and I slowly backed away. The vampire approached Helena, the two looked at each other and smiled at each other.

"Stellia, I will introduce you to the man who made my heart beat. He is Mykel, my boyfriend and he is Liane's older brother." When I heard the man's name, I covered my mouth. Did I hear it right? Liane's older brother? How did they become lovers? Mykel looked at my sister because of his discovery. Mykel looked and observed at me.

"Stellia? Are you the wolf girl that my sisterbmet?" He asked and I nodded. I don't know how I can process all the information. I suddenly left the house and got some fresh air. I heard the door open and Helena came out.

"Stellia, I know you're shocked by what you found out."

"Why do you have a connection with vampires?" I asked shakily as I held back my anger.

"Because.. "

"Because what, Helena? You don't have to keep secrets from me-." I was interrupted by the truth I discovered.

"Because you're not my full sister. I'm half vampire, Stell." I was shocked. I don't know what to say. "Let's talk inside the house. I'll tell you everything there." My sister helped me back to the safe house and we entered a cozy room.

I will listen, Helena.

We sat together on the bed and she began her confession.

We are sisters on the father's side, Stell. My real mom is a vampire. Our father kept it a secret from the queen because he didn't want me to end up in harm's way. Before our father and your mother got married, your mother had a secret boyfriend. Your mother's boyfriend is a vampire and former king of Liane's kingdom. When your mother found out that the vampire king has had a family for a long time, she wanted to kill the former king. The two met in Liane's kingdom. The former king admitted that he already has a family and ask your mother for forgiveness. She did not accept the truth, and she brutally killed the former king. Not only Liane and Mykel's mother saw, but also me because I followed the queen. That's the truth. That's why Liane and I are protecting you.

I couldn't believe from what I heard. Can my mother do that? I covered my face and my tears flowed there. Helena hugged me. How will I deal with the kingdom and to my mother? Helena loosened the hug and immediately changed her clothes.

"I have to return to the kingdom before the bastard prince reports. The queen must not know the mark on your neck." I don't want Helena to perish at the hands of my mother. I held my sister's arm tightly to stop her from leaving.

Don't worry, I won't die. I promise

Helena assured me that she would not be harmed. The only thing I could make Helena feel better was a tight hug. I don't want to lose anything, especially Helena. I released her and she informed Mykel that she would return to the kingdom.

"You take care of my beloved sister while I'm gone. When you feel that something dangerous is going to happen, leave here immediately." Advice by my sister, she kissed Mykel and left the safe house. The fear, nervousness, and concern of my sister will not go away to me. Mykel patted my shoulder to leave those nervousness and anxiety in my system.

She will come back to us, Stellia. Let's believe in her.

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