Another Loss

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Third Person's POV

Liane did not think that Stellia would suddenly decide that she would rush to kingdom of Sapphire to fight her own mother. Mykel immediately reported what happened to his father, and Liane had the king to read the letter that Stellia had left.

"Dear king, we need to follow Stellia immediately before something happens to her." It was obvious in Liane's voice that she was worried about Stellia.

"Don't worry my daughter, we will save her. Now, we have to prepare a plan for us to start a war in their kingdom." King Dominic, Liane's father, makes sure that they can save Stellia.


Stellia quietly arrives at kingdom of Sapphire to attack her overbearing mother. With her special ability, she was able to secretly climb from outside the kingdom to her old room.

After Stellia entered through the window of her former bedroom, she was only stopped because a sharp knife was pointed at her. Christopher holds the knife.

Just come with me, if you don't want me to kill you.

Stellia laughed madly at what she heard. Because of Stellia's reaction, Christopher violently punched her in the face and it left a red mark on Stellia's cheek. Christopher tied Stellia's hands tightly with strong rope. The ungentlemanly prince violently drags Stellia to the demon queen's throne.

"Ah! My beloved daughter is here." Queen Aster approached Stellia and held her daughter's chin to look at her carefully but Stellia immediately left her mother's gaze. Queen held tighter and whispered something to her lovely daughter.

"For sure, the vampires will rush here. I'm sure the rulers of that kingdom will save you. I'll make sure the girl you love dies." Her mother smiled while Stellia didn't know what to say. As each second ticked by, Stellia couldn't make up her mind.

They're on their way, Stellia. Time ticks.


Stellia shouted that even though she was stuttering, she was sure of what she was saying. Her mother pointed the knife at her own daughter's chest. "I won't kill Liane if..." Stellia swallowed because her mother demanded something in return or a condition. "If you kill the king of their kingdom himself, King Dominic." Stellia doesn't know if she will follow what her mother's order. She didn't know what she would choose. She doesn't want to get hurt both of them, but she has to choose one.

"They are coming, dear queen." It was good news for the queen when she heard the news about Christopher, while Stellia was undecided. "Let her go, Christopher. Let's see if she will follow our agreement." The prince was confused by what he heard but he followed the queen and released Stellia.

They left the kingdom with their soldiers and they were facing with the vampires. Liane and Stellia looked at each other. Liane noticed that her beloved was not in a good condition.

"GIVE US STELLIA IF YOU DON'T WANT TO RUN OUT OF SOLDIERS." Liane's father shouted but the opposing queen did not obey.


When King Dominic signaled, the soldiers fought the wolves and the vampires. Clash of swords, spatter of the blood of the dead, and shouts of battle. The queen's attention was on Liane. Stellia didn't know what to do so she approached Liane's father. Stellia fought the king of the vampire camp.

Do it if you think it's right. Save Liane.

The princess seemed confused but King Dominic already knew Stellia's situation.

I know that your evil mother made you to choose between me and my daughter. Save my daughter's life and kill me.

The bright credentials moon appeared in the sky and Stellia's appearance changed even more. With the moonlight so bright, Stellia could no longer control what she was doing. She became even fiercer and did not hesitate to attack Liane's father where their fight became intense. When Liane saw that her father and Stellia were fighting, she was about to come to separate the two but she was stopped. Stellia put her hand into the king's body and violently took his heart. Stellia smiled and brought out Liane's father's heart.


Stellia looked at her beloved but her face changed when she saw Liane crying. It was only then that Stellia realized that she had carried out her mother's nefarious plan.

Pain, sadness and anger, that's what Liane felt when she saw the unexpected tragedy. Only one thing came to Liane's mind. Kill Stellia. KILL STELLIA. Liane trumbly rushed at her beloved but Stellia immediately escaped. Liane was about to chase after her but she couldn't follow her beloved. Liane's heart is broken, she doesn't know if she can love Stellia again.

I swear, I will kill you Stellia.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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