Chapter 5

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Sir Pentious was about to kick you out of his room but you both realized it was morning already, stretching out your arms like a dinosaur, you hopped out feeling so regenerated. Sir Pentious followed behind but at a slower pace, questioning your every move but of course you didn't know that.

You headed straight to the kitchen, and started to make a fresh batch of morning tea, Sir Pentious kept slithering near you, you could hear his silent hisses as he paced the floors behind you, smiling you asked.
"Something wrong Sir Pentious?."
He stopped and frowned.
"Yes, what are your intentions with m-me-mme?. (Y/n?)."

You walked over to Pentious handing him a cup.
"To be your friend of course!....I know I may have stepped my boundaries last night but....I really couldn't sleep and...I'd rather sleep with you than the egg boys- they won't keep me safe."
Sir Pentious frown worsened.
"And how do you know I'll keep you say dear?."
"Because you're're....a gentleman. I've never come across a gentleman're the first."

Pentious hissed with a laugh.
"Oh please, I know you've come across others."
You looked down to the ground sad.
"No actually....You really are the first....this world is full of jerks....especially to us...women....."
Sir Pentious studied your saddened expression.....
But instead of confronting you he decided to slither away....
"I'll be in my study."
He said hissing...he stopped for a second....
"I-I'm sorry that's happened to you....I'm glad to be your first....gentleman (y/n.)"

You turned to smile but Sir Pentious was already gone.
A little egg boy cane up to you, handing you a plate of waffles.
"Don't worry, the boss likes you, if not he would've had a fit this morning when he found you in his bed. You'll be his girlfriend in no time!."
You couldn't help but laugh.

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