#26: Nightmare disguised as a daydream.

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Chapter Twenty-Six: "Nightmare disguised as a daydream."

Roseanne Park. A girl of a rich business man, Mason Park and a famous Australian singer, Clare Park. She has a brother, Robert Park who is older than her by three years. They were a happy family or at least Rosé thought so until her mother left when she was only seven. 

No goodbye. No explanation. Nothing. 

One day she was there, fighting with her father, but still there. Shouting behind shut doors, but still there. Doors slammed and glass shattered, but still there. However the next day, she was gone. Just like that.

That was the day her illusion of her family revealed itself to be a nightmare disguised as a daydream like she assumed. When her mother left, she had taken away the peace and happiness in the family with her. Her father became a bitter man. No longer capable of love. 

Workaholic. There were days he never came home at night, staying at his office and leaving his kids alone who were expecting his arrival but only to be disappointed. 

When he did come home, he spoke almost nothing to them. The most he talked to them was when he was yelling at them, taking his frustration out at them who did no wrong but he was too irrational to see that. It was directed at Rosé mostly. Because she reminded him of her mother. She took after her mother too well. Her eyes to her hair, even her button nose — everything about Rosé reminded him of his wife who left and he hated that.

Her father hated everything to do with his wife. He hated the scent of lavender which was the scent of her mother's perfume; He hated the colour she loved, green; He hated bowling, their favourite couple activity. But most importantly, he hated music, something Rosé loved.

She had self-taught herself to play the guitar and piano. Her father who always loved to listen to her sing while playing the instruments, started to hate that very thing. But Rosé could not let go of it. Playing instruments and singing used to be just a hobby for her. But not anymore. Not after her mother left. 

Music started to mean so much more to her after that day. Her love for music was something she shared with her mother. She considered her love for music as a keepsake of her mother. It was a piece of her mother inside her. She could not let it go. 

She sang secretly when her father was not home, hoping to satisfy her longing for her mother and control her desire to sing out loud for everyone to hear. But that only increased her passion for music.

She secretly attended the YG auditions when she was 14. She had done so only because she did not want to regret that she never even tried to pursue her true passion. She certainly never expected to be ranked first. 

The day her father received the call from YG was the day all hell broke loose at the Parks' Mansion. It was the day she truly saw her father's bitter anger and hatred for music. He slammed the phone down and marched towards her room. The first thing he did was to slam her guitar on the floor as it broke into pieces while the strings snapped apart.

An argument broke out between father and daughter. It was verbal until Mason Park decided to slap her. Tears streamed down her face. "Mom left because of you! And now I'm going to leave to" she screamed. 

As soon as she did, she felt sharp pain in her arm as blood dripped down her hand. Her father threw a glass vase at the wall opposite of her. The shattered glass rebounded off the marble tiled wall and pierced her skin on her forearm. 

Before the situation could escalate further, Zac Evans, George's father, stepped in. Luckily, Rosé's brother had called him up for help after he realised the fight when he reached home from school. 

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