Attacking the Autobots

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Windblade nodded in agreement with Drift before we cut back to Starscream who is still upset about his New Decepticons failing to kill one of the Autobots on their mission to collect Energon, and he was mad about how Windblade still had to interfere with him and his followers whenever they're up to no good. Starscream glared at the geisha femme bot in the Darksyde's surveillance cameras before he suddenly stopped himself from ranting about Windblade when he gazed at her for a moment. The seeker was disgusted at staring at her at first before he suddenly became attracted to Windblade, and he was stunned by her beauty as he continued to stare at her in the New Decepticons' computer screen. Starscream shook his head and stopped himself from having a sexual attraction to the femme bot who is his enemy. Then Starscream decided that whatever reason he was having a lustful desire for Windblade, he would have to go after her, and then he would claim her for himself.

Within the dimly lit chambers of the Darksyde, Starscream's commands cut through the metallic air, laden with urgency and determination.

"Steeljaw! Activate the ground bridge to Drift and Windblade's coordinates," Starscream ordered, his crimson optics ablaze with a singular purpose.

Steeljaw, hesitating, voiced a concern, but Starscream's retort was swift and uncompromising. "Do as I say! If neither of you can't destroy or capture that femme bot, Windblade, then I'll have to capture her myself! After all, if you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself."

The enigmatic Thunderhoof sought clarification amidst the unfolding directives. "But what if the Autobots—?"

"NOW!!!" Starscream's voice thundered, cutting off any further discussion. "And no bickering with each other when I'm outside the Darksyde until I return!"

Steeljaw, his loyalty unwavering, acknowledged the order with a crisp "Yes, sir."

The portal to Windblade and Drift's location opened within the Darksyde, revealing the arid expanse of a desert near the Energon Mines. Starscream, propelled by an unyielding resolve, wasted no time in rushing through the dimensional breach, leaving his minions behind to ponder the motives that drove their leader to confront the formidable duo of Windblade and Drift.

"Should we go out and help him?" Motorstrike queried, a note of concern in his voice.

Steeljaw, however, dismissed the notion with a sagely assurance. "No, that won't be necessary. Doomsayer gave Starscream an upgrade when he agreed to join us a long time ago."

Scourge, his metallic form emanating an air of deference, added, "Yes. And our late leader made Lord Starscream much more powerful than before. It's no wonder he passed the torch down to him to be our next leader."

As the ground bridge hummed behind them, the remaining Decepticons pondered the unfolding events, their servos poised for the repercussions that Starscream's unyielding pursuit of Windblade and Drift might bring upon the fate of the New Decepticons. The echoes of power struggles and the relentless pursuit of supremacy continued to shape the destiny of Cybertron, leaving its warriors to navigate the intricate dance between ambition and loyalty.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Drift, Windblade, Jetstorm and Slipstream were about to head back home when they suddenly see a jet coming out of a green portal and heading towards them. At first, they assumed it was Jetfire but then the Cybertronian revealed himself as he suddenly changed back into his robot form and hit the ground in one punch. It was Starscream, and he had come for the two Autobots and their Minicons.

"Starscream!" Jetstorm's voice rang out.

The New Decepticon leader, bathed in the crimson glow of his optics, turned his attention toward the approaching figures. "Well, if it isn't Drift and his Minicons," he sneered, his gaze lingering on Windblade. "And especially YOU, Windblade!"

Drift, flanked by his Minicons, met Starscream's disdain with a question that lingered on the edge of disbelief. "Why are you here without backup?"

Starscream's response carried an air of arrogant self-assurance. "I simply came to destroy you all myself, since my followers were not able to defeat you all."

Windblade, her resolve unwavering, pointed out the numerical advantage against the lone Starscream. "It's four against one, Starscream. You're outnumbered!"

The Decepticon leader, however, dismissed the notion with a smug confidence. "On the contrary, my dear, I am more powerful than you realized. Besides, I am no longer the small and weak-minded seeker that you Autobots knew of before the end of the Great War."

Drift, growing weary of the verbal sparring, intervened with a decisive declaration. "Enough talk! We're taking you down!"

Starscream's response was a chilling retort that hung in the charged air. "You will try, but eventually you will fail!"

The battlefield, a canvas of metal and sparks, bore witness to the relentless clash between Starscream and the Autobots, a symphony of clashing weapons and the hum of transforming bodies echoing through the desolation. The skirmish had endured for an hour, each cycle intensifying the struggle for supremacy.

Drift, his katana swords drawn with precision, lunged at Starscream, a fluid dance of blades seeking to cut through the Decepticon leader's defenses. Yet, Starscream, the agile seeker, deftly evaded each strike, his movements a testament to his seasoned combat prowess. Simultaneously, Windblade, armed with her sonic wind blasters, approached from a different angle, determined to turn the tide in favor of the Autobots.

However, Starscream, ever cunning, seized the opportunity to gain the upper hand. In a swift motion, he captured one of the Minicons, Slipstream, and hurled her at Windblade, diverting the femme bot's attention. Jetstorm, sensing an opening, launched an attack, only to find himself swiftly incapacitated by Starscream's calculated retaliation.

With his minions incapacitated, Starscream turned his focus back to Drift, sheathing his claws. In a brutal onslaught, he scratched Drift, drawing Energon blood from the Autobot samurai. Slipstream, attempting to defend her master, faced the same fate as Starscream kicked her aside, leaving her and Jetstorm unconscious on the battlefield.

Windblade, witnessing the brutality, could no longer stand idly by. Overwhelmed by a surge of emotion, she charged at Starscream, fueled by a desperate determination to end the violence. Starscream, however, had other plans.

"Stay back! Or I will rip his head off!" Starscream's warning reverberated through the chaos, his claws sinking into Drift's head. The threat hung heavily in the air, a grim ultimatum that forced Windblade to reconsider her approach. The battle, a tapestry of violence and desperation, had reached a precipice where every decision carried the weight of life and death.

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