Rattrap's Introduction

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At an unknown planet...

In the opening of the forest a bunch of cybertronians were in chains and cuffs. The Cybertronians were fugitives, bounties, and wanted criminals as each of them were hand over by the authorities as they hand over the reward money to the bounty hunters. A gray and brown mech with orange optics. He's a beastformer and his beat mode is a rat and his name is Rattrap. He watches a ship filled with captured bounties as the ship closes.

Rattrap: Please don't turn me in, I'll never be ratty again. I can change please give me another chance.

Bounty hunter #1: Oh, shut up. *Hits Rattrap*

Rattrap: Ow.

Captain: Next, what have you got?

Bounty hunter #2: This arms dealer

Arms dealer: A great and fabulous arms dealer, well not great and fabulous like the Decepticon, Swindle. Though, you get the idea.

Captain: 50 shanix for the arms dealer, here you go.

The captain of the authorities hands over the 50 shanix to bounty hunter #2 as one the enforcers escort the arms dealer to the ship.

Captain: Next what have we got?

Bounty hunter #1: Well, I got a black market merchant rat.

Captain: Right, well that's good for 100 shanix, if you can prove it.

Bounty hunter #1: Go ahead and transform fella. *Uncuffs Rattrap*

Rattrap just stands there and does nothing.

Captain: Well?

Bounty hunter #1: Oh, he's just-he's just a little nervous. Did I ever mention that he talks a lot? He's really quite a chatterbox. Transform you overgrown rodent.

Captain: That's it I've heard enough, guards.

Bounty hunter #1: No, no, he's a Beastformer, he is. *Moves Rattrap's mouth around and speaks in a different voice* I'm a rat and I love to talk and I like eating trash and do mechanics.

Captain: Get her out of my sight.

Bounty hunter #1: No, no I swear *Gets grabbed by the enforcers and accidently kicks a bottle of flying dust from a magic practitioner* He's a rat!

Rattrap gasped as the bottle of flying dust hit him as he is covered in some of it. He begins to fly and transformed into his rat mode.

Rattrap: Hey, I can fly.

Bounty hunter #3: He can fly.

3 bounties: He can fly.

Captain: He's a rat.

Rattrap: *Laughs* That's right fool! Now I'm a flying rat! You might seen a housefly, maybe even a dragonfly, but I bet you ain't never seen a rat-fly *chuckles as the flying dust wears off*

Uh-oh *falls back to the ground*

Captain: Seize him!

The enforcers tried to grab Rattrap as he slips from their grip, another tried to tackle him as Rattrap dodged and began running off. As he began running away to avoid being recaptured, he continues running as he bumps into Starscream. The New Decepticon lord turns around and saw Rattrap. They hear the distant shout of the enforcers as Rattrap changes into his robot mode and goes behind Starscream as they arrived and saw Starscream.

Captain: You there, Seeker.

Starscream: Aye.

The captain of the enforcers pulls out a scroll as Starscream approaches him.

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