Bad News

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The swirling energy of the spacebridge dissipated as Sideswipe emerged onto the desolate landscape where Drift, Slipstream, Jetstorm, and Windblade had been engaged in their fierce struggle against Starscream. What met his optics was a scene of disarray and distress.

Sideswipe's spark sank as he saw his master, Drift, injured and vulnerable, attended by the loyal buzzsaw minicons. His optics widened in shock when he realized Windblade was nowhere to be found. Concern etched across his visage, he wasted no time rushing towards the Autobot samurai.

"Master Drift! What happened?! Where's Windblade?" Sideswipe's voice rang out with a mixture of urgency and fear.

Drift, his frame battered and weakened, mustered the strength to respond, "Starscream happened... he attacked us when we were alone. We fought him off, but he got the better of us and held me hostage. He made a deal with Windblade that he would spare me if she joined his side as his conjunx-endura."

Sideswipe gasped, the weight of the revelation settling heavily upon him. "No... She would never do that!"

Drift, with a solemn nod, continued, "Me neither, but Starscream threatened her. He said he'd kill me and the bots she cares for if she refused. Windblade accepted, and the last I saw her was being carried by Starscream as they entered the spacebridge."

The grim reality hung in the air, and a heavy silence settled over the scene. Sideswipe's optics flickered with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

"It's really devastating that Windblade had to accept a fate worse than death, but we all make sacrifices, deals, and proposals to protect the ones we care for. But, for now, let's get you to a medic and inform this to our leaders," Sideswipe declared with a sense of resolve.

"Very well," Drift acquiesced, allowing Sideswipe to support him as they moved toward the spacebridge.

Once they crossed through the portal and found themselves on Cybertron, the reality of their loss began to sink in. Sideswipe, ever the supportive figure, turned to Slipstream and Jetstorm, whose expressions mirrored the grief in his own spark.

"Don't worry, Little Bros... Windblade is a strong warrior. She can handle it," Sideswipe reassured them, a flicker of hope in his optics.

"Thanks, Big Bro," Slipstream replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

"You're welcome," Sideswipe said, his words carrying a promise of solidarity in the face of adversity. The trio, burdened by the weight of the events that had transpired, made their way towards the awaiting medics, hoping for healing, both physical and emotional, in the aftermath of Starscream's treacherous gambit.

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