Proposal for an Exchange

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"You know, Windblade," Starscream sneered, his crimson optics narrowing with calculated malice. "You've been, as humans would put it, a thorn in my side for too long now... just like my former master and his spoiled brat of a son! As well as the Autobots and their human pets!"

Windblade's optics glowed with determination, a formidable resolve etched across her face as she stood protectively beside her captured comrade, Drift.

"I won't allow you to harm or kill anyone else in this universe, Starscream!" she declared with unwavering courage. "This is between you and me, so let go of Drift!"

Starscream, however, seemed to revel in the unfolding drama, a sinister smirk playing on his angular features.

"As you wish, my dear," he purred, the venom in his words cutting through the air. "However, I do not wish to fight you, Windblade. So, why don't we make a deal?"

Windblade eyed him cautiously, her optics narrowing in suspicion.

"Deal?" she questioned.

Drift, bound and captive, interjected desperately, "Don't listen to him, Windblade! It's a trick!"

Starscream silenced him with a glare, his attention fully focused on the formidable femme fatale before him.

"Listen carefully, Windblade," Starscream continued, a twisted sense of satisfaction evident in his tone. "We all know you and the Autobots don't want me to extinguish any more sparks than I already have for the past millennium. So, why don't we make an exchange? I will spare the life of Drift and let him go... if you would be willing to join me... and to rule the New Decepticon Empire by my side... as my conjunx-endura."

Windblade's optics widened in disbelief, her stance momentarily faltering.

"What?!" she exclaimed, incredulity lacing her voice.

Starscream, unfazed by her reaction, continued his twisted proposition.

"You heard me, Windblade. I ask for nothing much, except that I require a mate, a sparkmate if you will, and you will do just fine with me, gorgeous."

Disgust etched across Windblade's features as Starscream outlined his sinister plan.

"So I will ask again," Starscream cooed, the menace in his voice palpable. "Marry me, and I will allow your friend, Drift, to live. If you reject me, then I will destroy the ones that you care so much about. Including Drift!"

Windblade's resolve solidified, her optics narrowing with a renewed determination.

"No, you can't do this! I can't marry you! I never wanted to get married!"

Drift added his vehement objection, "She's right! You can't force her to be your mate, Starscream! Windblade is wise, strong, and independent, and she would NEVER want to marry the likes of you!"

Starscream, his patience worn thin, roared, "I said be QUIET!!!"

He leaned in, his optics boring into Windblade's with an unsettling intensity.

"So, what do you say, Windblade?" Starscream smirked, his proposal dripping with malice. "Will you do the honor of being my blushing bride-to-be? I promise you that if you accept my proposal, then you will be greatly rewarded for your sacrifice, and I will treat you fairly like an Empress. I'll even let you go and have your freedom to visit with your Autobot friends, but for only 12 hours before you return to me and be faithful to me, my pet. And if I ever see you with another mech, I will carve out his spark. Do we have an agreement?"

"Starscream, if I agree to marry you, will you keep your promise and stay true to your word?" Windblade questioned, her voice strained with a mix of fear and determination.

"Yes, darling," Starscream replied with a sinister smirk. "But you will follow these conditions. One, you will love, honor, and obey me with no questions asked. Two, you must promise to stay with me, to never resist me or even try to escape from me. Three, do not try to convince me to abandon my quest for revenge and domination. You know full well that this war won't be over until my goals are completed."

Windblade, desperation etching her features, reluctantly nodded, "I promise. I will go with you, but you must keep your word that you won't kill Drift if I say 'yes'."

"And I will keep my word. But first, give me your answer. Will you be my bride?" Starscream demanded, his optics gleaming with triumph.

"Yes. I will marry you. I will be your mate, and I will love no one but you and you only," Windblade declared, her voice heavy with defeat.

"Then it's settled. I will let Drift go... and you will be mine forever and ever! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Starscream's maniacal laughter echoed through the chamber as he released Drift, who struggled to rise, still hurt and bleeding.

"Windblade! No!!" Drift cried out, watching helplessly as Starscream, carrying Windblade in his arms, activated the space bridge to the Darksyde.

The space bridge vanished, leaving Jetstorm, Slipstream, and Drift devastated and bewildered.

"Master! What happened?! Where's Starscream?!?" Jetstorm questioned, urgency in his voice.

"And where's Windblade?!?" Slipstream added.

"She... Starscream took her away. Windblade has been kidnapped by him!" Drift revealed, his voice filled with anguish.

Meanwhile, on the Darksyde, Starscream arrived with his unwilling prize, Windblade, squirming in his arms. He put her down, but her resistance persisted.

"Put me down! Put me down!" Windblade demanded, her defiance undeterred.

"Alright, my lovely bride-to-be. We're here. Welcome to the Darksyde!" Starscream declared with an air of triumph.

Starscream, ignoring Windblade's protests, took her to the main quarters, where the New Decepticons gathered. The assembled Decepticons were taken aback by the sight of their leader returning with an Autobot hostage.

"New Decepticons! I have returned... and I have found my true mate: Windblade!" Starscream proclaimed, his tone exuding arrogance.

"Let me go!" Windblade struggled against Starscream's hold, her optics blazing with defiance.

"No, you belong to me now. You're going to be my conjunx-endura whether you like it or not! And you're going to stay here with me... forever," Starscream declared, presenting Windblade to the bewildered New Decepticons.

Underbite, one of the New Decepticons, stepped forward, confusion etched on his metallic faceplates.

"Lord Starscream? What's the meaning of this?" Underbite questioned, uncertainty coloring his words. The fate of Windblade now intertwined with the uncertain future of the New Decepticon Empire.

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