Windblade in Captivity

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"Do not question me, Underbite! I have chosen Windblade to be my conjunx-endura, and I've made her accept my marriage proposal. Motorstrike! Prepare a room for our...guest," Starscream commanded, his voice resonating with authority.

As Starscream issued his orders, Windblade continued to struggle against the invisible chains of her captor. The other New Decepticons watched the unfolding scene with a mixture of curiosity and unease.

Motorstrike acknowledged Starscream's command with a curt nod. "As you wish, Lord Starscream."

After an hour of preparing the room for Windblade, Starscream bridal carried her over to her new berthroom and the fembot was now fearing for what the seeker intended on doing with her. She was afraid that Starscream would frag her by forcing her to sparkbond with him before the wedding, judging by that look on his face. But Starscream had no intention of having unprotected sex with his fiancé just yet, as he gently put her down. Starscream opened the door to Windblade's room and to her surprise, her new berthroom was quite nice. It could use some decorations, but it was better than having Windblade being put in a prison cell at the Darksyde.

"Welcome to your new home, my bride. I hope you find yourself comfortable in your own room," Starscream declared, a twisted sense of satisfaction evident in his voice.

Windblade, still defiant, eyed her surroundings with a mix of anger and despair. "What are you going to do to me while I'm trapped here with you, Starscream!?"

Starscream chuckled darkly, his crimson optics glinting with malevolence. "Nothing. You will be safe here with me for a very long time until we can make preparations for the wedding."

A shiver ran down Windblade's frame as she braced herself for the unknown. "W-When are you going to make me your own sparkmate?"

"Don't be frightened, my dear. I'll decide the wedding date once you and I get to know each other when you get used to being here with me. If you ever need anything, my New Decepticons will tend to your needs," Starscream assured, his tone unnervingly calm.

"Why do you want me to marry you? I don't want to be your..." Windblade began, her voice a mix of defiance and desperation.

Starscream's patience wore thin as he interrupted her, a harsh reminder of their twisted bargain. "Remember our deal, Windblade! If you reject me, then I will come after those you love and care about, and I assure you that I gave that traitor, Drift, a lot of damage."

Windblade's optics widened at the mention of Drift, her concern for her friend evident. "Please! At least let me visit my friends! I'll come back to you, I promise!"

Windblade's protest echoed through the sterile chamber, her plea for freedom met with Starscream's cold indifference. The geisha femme Autobot found herself confined within the metallic walls of the New Decepticon warship, a captive caught in the twisted dance between captor and captive. The promise of a brief respite with her friends lingered like a distant hope, yet Starscream remained unmoved.

But Windblade was determined not to succumb to the role of a prisoner or become entangled in the snares of Stockholm Syndrome. She couldn't let herself be swayed by the dark allure of the Decepticon leader, even if her circumstances mirrored the mythical tale of Hades and Persephone.

The room felt oppressive, a gilded cage where Windblade's autonomy hung in the balance. The idea of manipulating Starscream crossed her mind, but she feared the consequences, unsure if feigning affection would free her or further ensnare her in his clutches.

Starscream, however, seemed oblivious to the turmoil within Windblade's processor. His attempt at a caress drew a swift slap from the defiant Autobot.

"Ow! Heheheh. A little feisty, aren't we?" Starscream chuckled, unfazed by her resistance. "Do not worry. You will see your friends again soon. But you'll have to promise that you will return to me, or else I will come to get you and bring you back here myself. Remember, Windblade. You are mine now. If I ever see you with another mech, I will extinguish his spark. Personally. Do you understand?"

The weight of his threat hung in the air as Windblade reluctantly acquiesced, "I promise. But please, I don't want to feel trapped here."

Starscream, ever the manipulator, attempted to paint a different picture, "Do not think of the Darksyde as a prison; think of it as a kingdom where you are its mistress, and I am its master. If you cooperate with me, then my servants and I will treat you well. But for now, recharge in your new room. You will join me for dinner tonight. Meet me in the dining room, and if you don't know where to find me, just ask."

As Starscream left, Windblade felt the walls closing in. The unease in her spark grew as she contemplated the uncertain path ahead. The question of whether she could truly outwit the Decepticon leader lingered, a puzzle she desperately needed to solve.

"Okay. But will I ever see Drift, Sideswipe, and the others again?" she inquired, her voice laced with both worry and defiance.

"Now, don't get me started on your boyfriends, Windblade! They don't deserve you," Starscream retorted, a hint of possessiveness in his words.

"I never said that Drift was my boyfriend. I never had feelings for him and Sideswipe," Windblade clarified, attempting to assert her independence.

Starscream, however, dismissed her words, revealing his twisted conviction, "Yet you are very close to them. No matter... once you stay here with me for more than a few megacycles, you will fall hopelessly in love with me to the point that you'll do almost anything for me. You will learn to love me, Windblade, and you will be mine."

"Please, Starscream. You're making me feel uncomfortable," Windblade implored, a plea laced with genuine unease.

"Do not worry, my sweetspark. You'll learn to appreciate me someday. Now get some rest while I order my servants to make dinner for us tonight. Try and make yourself comfortable," Starscream declared, leaving Windblade alone with her apprehensions.

"Optimus Prime will stop you, Starscream. Do you really think that you can keep me all to yourself by force?" Windblade questioned, her resolve unyielding.

"Now listen, femme! I don't want to force you into marriage without getting to know you first. Now, for the last time, make yourself at home. You'll get used to living here with me," Starscream asserted, his words resonating through the cold confines of the room, a chilling reminder of the tumultuous journey that awaited Windblade within the heart of the New Decepticon warship.

Once Starscream leaves and closes the door to Windblade's room, she couldn't take it anymore as she then buried her face onto the soft and cozy blankets of her room and started crying in fear and sadness. Windblade was now missing Drift, Sideswipe, Strongarm, Grimlock, Optimus Prime, and even her bodyguard, Chromia. She wasn't there to protect Windblade and Drift from Starscream and even if she was there, Starscream would've killed her the same way he killed off Cliffjumper many years ago before the Quintessons revived Cliffjumper along with Breakdown, Silas, Skyquake, and Dreadwing. Windblade wept in her pillow at her room until she fell asleep while in tears. Even though Starscream promised that he would treat her like an Empress, Windblade felt more like a prisoner being held captive by her new evil fiancé.

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