Mission Eukaris

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Vortex and Scourge, Starscream's loyal companions, entered his quarters.

Scourge: Commander, we're ready to move out.

Vortex: Yeah, let's get that energon!

Starscream: Hold on, I've got a problem. I lost my Red Tyrant Sword, and we're going to face a monstrous plant guarding the energon.

Scourge: That's not good news.

Vortex: We can't go without a weapon.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Windblade, a skilled swordswoman, entered the room.

Windblade: I know I'm not supposed to come in here, but I overheard you talking. I have an idea.

Starscream: What is it?

Windblade unsheathed one of her Stormfall Swords and presented it to Starscream.

Windblade: You can have one of mine.

Starscream: Are you sure?

Windblade: Yes. It's better than going into battle unarmed.

Starscream took the sword and attached it to his servos.

Starscream: Thank you. I won't forget this.

Windblade: Just make sure you come back in one piece.

Starscream nodded and the three Decepticons left the quarters, ready to face the monstrous plant in The Cave of Plantae.

Starscream, Rattrap, and the Decepticon troops were on a mission to find The Cave of Plantae on Eukaris. Rattrap was using his sense of smell to track any traces of energon, while one of Starscream's troops had an energy detector.

Rattrap: Thanks for bringing me along, Starscream. Maybe you could have just scared the locals into revealing the location of the cave. You know, the whole warlord thing.

Starscream: (sarcastically) Yes, because threatening innocent beings is always the answer. Maybe I should have just burned down their village and danced in the ashes.

Rattrap: Uh, no, that's not what I meant.

Starscream: There's more to being a warlord than just destruction and chaos, you know.

Rattrap: Like what?

Starscream: Like...warlords are like puzzles. (holds up a puzzle cube)

Rattrap: Puzzles? How so?

Starscream: They have many pieces, and it takes skill and strategy to put them together properly.

Rattrap: I don't think I follow.

Starscream: Well, you and I both have many different aspects to our personalities and strengths. It takes a skilled leader to bring all those pieces together and create a successful team.

Rattrap: I think I get it now.

Starscream: Good. Now let's focus on finding that cave.

After a day of searching, Rattrap caught a whiff of something.

Rattrap: Ugh, did one of you guys cut the cheese? You should really give a warning before you let one rip.

Starscream: That's not a fart, it's fertilizer. We must be getting close.

Rattrap: I know fertilizer when I smell it, and that didn't smell like fertilizer.

As they climbed to the top of the mountain, they saw The Cave of Plantae. It was surrounded by vines and deadly acid, with a bridge leading across.

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