Exam? Who am I?

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What's my name? POV - I wake up, in this exam room chair. I look around, I feel calm and relaxed. I have no clue where I am. I look down at my arm and jump a little, because I had an IV." The doctor, turns Around in her chair fast "Hey Hey Hey" she said in a calming voice, "your okay honey." She turned back around and started to fill paperwork back out I think. As she was distracted, I went to get my phone out of my pocket. It wasn't there.... "Hey, umm, did you see my phone?" I said. She turned back around and said "honey don't you remember? your phone broke." "What do you mean." "I want to ask you a few questions to make sure your memory is okay." She said completely ignoring what I said. "What is your name?" "My name is...." I stop. "Wait what is my name." I started to panic a little. "It ok it's ok!"
She said putting a hand on my arm to calm me down. "A lot of people don't remember." She started to write something on her clip board. "Ok, do you remember who your parents are?" "No" I said sighing. "I don't remember anything." I started to cry a little. "Honey it's ok!...let me update you on some things, you were checked into the hospital because you had an episode, which almost led to something bad. We want to monitor you the best we can so we can get you home, safe and happy, but for now we are going to assign you to a family to live with." "A family?" I said questioning everything she just said to me. "Yes everyone here is assigned to a family, to make sure they are safe, and happy during there recovery time." "What about my own family?" I said. She came over to me, and hugged me and said "there gone sweetie." "what do you mean there gone." I said mad and confused. She gave me another hug, and I cried into her shoulder. "But hey, your going to be with your new family for a while, you are going to love, and they are going to love you too." I still cried. Another doctor came in with a shot. I got chills, and cried even more. "Ok, we are going to give you a shot, and when you wake up, your new family will be here to pick you up and your going to stay with them for a couple of weeks." I cried, and as I wipe away the tears. I ask her "before you put me to sleep, can you at lest tell me my name?" Both doctors look at each other. She looks at me and says "your name is Carolina." I smiled and said "Carolina." I felt something very sharp and painful go into my shoulder, and I started to drift to sleep again, and the last thing I heard was "Why is she so lucky, it's unfair." And I passed out.

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