Episode 14

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Today was going to be an odd day. Y/N didn't know why but it was just a feeling. She and Maddie walked from the restroom and was talking about homework.

"Do you think i can do my own thing? Or do i have to stick to what they ordered?" she asked as they exited. Mrs. Rooney was saying something about and assembly but once the two girls came face to face with none other than Diggie.. the assembly seemed less important.

They stood there not able to say anything. They opened their mouths but no words came out. "Well this is awkward." Y/N said to herself.

"Great chat." Maddie said

"Yeah, totally."

"Suck a good chat." she said and laughed. "Go, Porcupines.." she said. She put up a fist to fist bump him and he put up a high-five. She grabbed the girl beside her who had her eyes shut out of second hand embarrassment.

"Oh my eyes! Oh my ears!" she whined. Maddie just continued to drag her until the vice principal yelled right in their ear and they stood off beside Karen. Y/N behind Maddie.

She started to talk about how she was attacked by a porcupine and won't sit down. Why that mattered... no one knows or wants to know. Liv and Maddie both snickered and eyes were on them. "They're really cute, but they're killers. That's why the Porcupine's our mascot." Maddie stated with a smile.

"Was your mascot." Kneebauer said. "We have a new one, which honors our proud Wisconsin heritage." she smiled. She walked to the draped that covered their mascot. "I introduce the Ridgewood Butter!" she yelled and pulled the drape down.

It was a stick of butter that had purple gloves on and a creepy smile on it. "That thing looks like it wants to die." Y/N said. Kneebauer eyed her and she stood more behind Maddie.

"The Butter? That's so dumb. We're the Porcupines." Maddie said.

"Yeah, you can't just take Paulie." Liv scoffed.

"Yeah. He's apart of our family." Pete said agreeing with Liv and Maddie.

"This is a travesty. I just finished hand-knitting my Paulie sweater." Artie said. His minions proceeded to unzip his hoodie revealing his sweater

"That weirdo Joey hangs out with is right." Y/N said. "Butter is no mascot. It's what you put on toast."

"Yeah, Y/N's right. And that's rare." Dump Truck said walking to her side. It earned him a slap on the back.

"The decision's been made. The porcupine is out. Meet.. Bobby Butterstick!" Kneebauer yelled. She stretched her arm to the top of the stairs and out jumped Joey in a butterstick suit. He started to chant 'Ridgewood! Butter!' but it was still weird.

Everyone started to boo him and Y/N couldn't help but join in. To be fair, she loves Joey... just hated the costume. "Oh, come on, people. Where's your school spirit?" he asked. "Turn those boos into 'booter'." he said trying to make it funny.

Y/N eyes him and just needed to leave. "I just.. I can't. I really just can't." she said and walked away.


While she was at school, she sat in Mrs. Rooney's office. She looked over her business card she was given two days ago and couldn't help but feel this strange amount of stress wash over her. But she had to put that feeling and the card away as soon as Mrs. Rooney walked into her office.

"Oh! Y/N, what are you doing in here sweetie?" she kindly asked waked to her chair.

"Trying to avoid my history teacher." she blurted out. Her eyes widened once she realized who she said that to and went into a nervous laugh. "I- Wh- Im just kidding with you." she laughed.

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