⭐️ Trouble (Fin)

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Three months later...

"My fear is knowing what loneliness is like, finding out the feeling of what fading emotions meant and understanding how much it hurts looking at someone who no longer looks at you.

So before anyone crosses that line, I will fight to stay alone, feel nothing, and look at no one."

"Jisung!" The smaller frowned at the hand who pushed his forehead keeping him from going inside.

"The rumors are solved right? Why are you still coming here?" He kept his voice firm even though his eyes tried to avert themselves from ever seeing those mesmerizing pair. It has been more than three months and the older kept on coming here countless times already that he's getting nervous lately.
"I have to stay alone." He chanted inside his head.

"Jisung?" Looking up with both arms outstretched to combat the strong guy, he was stunned to see such an expression on the taller's face.

Calmed down, he finally decided to let go and let his hands hang weakly to the sides, "Why don't you go to that guy?"

"I told you he's my manager and I want to be with you why would I go to him?"

"Ah. So honest...
I give up."
Smiling he gently tugged the smaller inside and closed the door.
"Do whatever you want."

Chenle couldn't get what just happened.
Witnessing such smile was too much for his poor heart. The younger had already gone towards the bedroom but here he was blushing so much that he had to sit down on his legs, crouching down to hide.

An unexpected loud growl from his stomach made him jump up clutching his belly. Running towards the refrigerator, he noticed for the first time the amount of labeled containers.
"Leftovers..." Right, this is the longest time that he did not visit because of some changes in his schedule. They did not exchange any means of communication because of a lot of things and knowing this made his chest hurt.
"Why do I feel like crying?"

"Ji..." Knocking before opening the bedroom, he smiled at the man busy on his desk.
"Let's eat together."

"You're staying over?" Scooping some rice he paused to look at the older, waiting for a reply.

"Mhm..." He nodded.
"Jisung-ah... Tomorrow I want to look at the seaside." He bit his lips waiting for the scolding like always but still he wants to bring it up.

"Just the sea?"

Chopsticks fell along with the bowl of soup spilling over the table when he suddenly stood up in shock.

Cleaning up the mess, Jisung listened quietly about the reasons the smaller was mumbling.

Like it wasn't enough confusion, Chenle's heart felt like it was fighting out of his rib cage when the taller wiped his fingers.
"I really want to go... We could try the arcade a bit and eat at the food stalls too... Although I don't know how that could work." He pouted while explaining.

Grinning, the younger ruffled the adorable guy's hair.
"I get it hm?"
"Let's finish this so we could sleep early. I'll try borrowing a car from an acquaintance."

"I want this!" A loud voice cried throughout the arcade.

Shaking his head Jisung peered at the claw machine and saw the large cloud plush pillow. Both of them are wearing masks and cap but they're still drawing attention because of how excited his companion is.
Focusing his attention on the task he was shocked that Chenle decided to leap on his back hugging him. Failing on his first attempt he glared at the man,
"You want it or not? And please be more mindful." Lightly nudging the smaller's chest he went back to the toy crane. Pursing, frowning, sweating and getting sore on the knees after ten attempts, he's still unwilling to give up. Pressing the button one more time, he furrows his eyebrows...

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