✨ First Love I

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(Two years and nine months later)


Turning towards his boyfriend that's scurrying behind him, Chenle smiled raising his eyebrows at him.

"What time does your class end today?"
Jisung asked while wrapping one of the scarfs in his hands around the snow white neck. Fixing it properly he lightly grazed his index finger on the favorite spot he finds so squishy.

Chuckling, the smaller cupped the younger's cheeks and squeezed it until the man pouted his lips. He then placed a kiss on those soft pair, a short but endearing one.
"I have a club meeting so I might finish at eight." He answered.
"I'll text you."

Nodding the taller placed his scarf around himself while walking, following his boyfriend outside the door.
"I'm getting our suits today."

Finally out of their shared apartment Chenle cheerfully talked about the wedding they'll be attending tomorrow when suddenly a thought came to his mind.

"Mhm?" Stepping into the elevator, Jisung took several steps away from his lover.

"Do you think we could-"
"Too soon Chenle." He reminded himself.
Changing what he was about to say he asked about whether they could have some soup for dinner.

Stifling his laugh, Jisung shook his head in a silent appreciation at how cute his boyfriend is before he agreed to the request, humming while stepping outside the lift.

Entering the university's vicinity which is close by, they separated when Chenle had to go to another building. Lifting his hand to wave goodbye he chased the taller with only his gaze and widened his grin at the handsome smile that flew his way.

"You and your roomate are really sweet." A girl catching up to him remarked with a knowing smirk.
"You've known each other since high school right?"
She added.

Facing his classmate, Chenle replied,
"Uhuh? So?" Shrugging he turned away and started to walk towards their building.

"Nothing." Picking up her pace she quickly caught up.
"Just... I feel like you're something more."


Blinking blankly on his food Chenle recalled the conversation he had earlier with his classmate. Looking up he then observed the obvious couple standing in the middle of the cafeteria, giggling to each other while the girl held tightly around the man's arm. Suddenly he felt a pang of jealousy in his chest that made him loose all his appetite.

"Not hungry?" Jisung studied the smaller who's a bit annoyed at something. This isn't something new. He knew that his boyfriend is sweet but at times random things can tick him off and for that he's always ready. Smiling he finished his food and helped the older gather his things.
Now in the hallway he finally whispered secretly,
Taking something from his coat pocket he now held a small bag and offered it to the still sulking male.
"Here." The paper-bag contained Chenle's favorite crackers, cupcake and a drink

Looking at the bag's contents the smaller then smiled a little.

"I know that you don't want to eat it now but let's face it you'll get hungry later." Jisung chuckled.

"Tsh." Glaring playfully at his lover he then lightly nudged his elbow to his sides.
Out of the blue, his thoughts were promptly bombarded about how he really likes this man right here, so much that he stumbled in his steps while he kept his eyes on him.
"I- I'm here." He stammered pointing at the door still a bit shaken from his thoughts.

"You alright?" The taller asked but was surprised that his lover just nodded and went straight inside without a goodbye.
Still standing there he felt his phone vibrate and while reading the message he almost laughed.
"Sorry I didn't say goodbye. I'm alright love... Really. I'll call you later after class."
Blushing, the younger walked to his building trying to stop the butterflies in his stomach.

Jisung's class ended early so he went to a small grocery store that usually have some discounts every week to shop the ingredients for dinner. Perusing through the fruit-isle something caught his attention. His brows then furrowed while his fingers drummed on the plastic basket's handle as if counting.
"So expensive."
"But Chenle likes it."
He was about to walk away with his head bent down when he groaned and shot a glance at the huge box of red plump fruits.

Giving in he retraced his steps and went back to it.
Satisfied in buying the rest of the stuffs he needed he walked out of the shop.


Slicing the onions made him look up as the sting reaches his eyes. He's been quite adequate in cooking ever since he started dating Chenle but he never got the hang of cutting the onions. Setting them aside he picked up the rectangular plastic and tore of the cling wrap from the meat. Turning on the tap with one hand, the other used a cloth before lifting the lid off the pot of soup. Wiping his hands on the apron he took a ladle and sank it on the red boiling liquid. Carefully blowing on it he gritted his teeth whilst taking a sip. Quite satisfied, he nodded and lower down the fire to a simmer. Clicking the other burner on he placed a griddle on it. After that he went back to washing the meat.

In the middle of cooking he heard the door open.

The smaller made a tiny run to hug his lover while he asked,
"What are you cooking?"

"The kimchi-jjigae is done. I'm cooking bulgogi. After I make the steamed eggs we'll-" He couldn't continue when Chenle pulled him to the side pulling him down with quite a surprising force.

"You're distracting me." Jisung spoke quietly.

"Well you didn't give me my kiss." He tilted his head while raising his eyebrows.

"Mhm." The taller hummed and leaned to press their lips, opening a little as it sank into those pillowy softness.

Pulling away, Chenle faintly poked his nose on the younger's and queried,
"Can I help?"

"Yes. Please take some of the side dishes my mom sent and set them of on the table."

"Roger that!" He grinned straightening up with a salute on his forehead.

"Go." The taller followed the man with his eyes and in keeping with his boyfriend's act he then slapped his butt. To which Chenle faked a gasp and finished with a wink.

Sitting down in the dining room they exchanged conversations about the wedding tomorrow. Xiaojun, Chenle's cousin is marrying his lover before graduating.

"He never thought he could believe in love but here he is the first of us cousins to get married. Hendery really changed him... for the better of course." He mumbled. Picking up a slice of meat with his chopsticks, he peeked at Jisung. He came out to some really close friends in school and to his parents, they all know about his orientation but he never knew anyone that the younger ever came out to. Aside from his mother and father he did not tell anyone that Jisung is his boyfriend but one day he wants to. He dreamed of marrying just like Xiaojun and Hendery but if his lover is not open about it he's confused on how he'll get through with it, besides he can only imagine marrying Jisung.

"You're not eating..." The taller drooped his head sadly.
"It's not good?" He muttered.
Swiftly looking up remembering something he then added in a worried voice,
"Or are you not feeling well?"

"I'm alright Jisung... I was just thinking how lucky they were with each other."
Chenle smiled.

Biting his lips he finally got what it was that is bothering his lover. However he knew he couldn't give what the man wants. The thought of being outed terrifies him to his core.
Feeling unhappy about his helplessness he tried to swallow the tears that are about to come out and held the smaller's hand under the table.

The older sensed this so he squeezed his fingers in return.
"Maybe someday." He thought.

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