⭐️ Two Falling Stars and A Pearl I

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"Ugh," groaning, Jisung bit his lips whilst growing rapidly red as he toiled in hauling himself over the brick fence. The roof on it had a few missing tiles from this year's harsh winter that it produced a dent, making it easier for him to climb on. Although, that doesn't mean that it wasn't a challenge at all.

Grumbling under his breath he admitted to himself that this is his punishment for staying out too long. "Ghhg... It's illegal for a man to be that pretty. Yep! It has to be Chenle's fault," he pouted with an indignant wave of his index finger the moment his feet touched the soil on the other side. It was just an empty self-praise to boost his morale of course, after all he had just come home from having spent the entire day with the imoogi. This is the first time that he had done something like this so he did not even dare open the gate from the front yard or he'll definitely get caught.

"Where have you been?"

Jisung froze at the shrill voice of his mother. Scrunching his face, he reluctantly turn towards the huffing woman. He was hoping he could just sneak out to the backyard but he did not even make it halfway the hanok's side courtyard before the lady of the household spotted him in the dark. She definitely has some superpowers of some sort.

"Park Jisung, your cousins said that they have to wait for your ass for three hours and you didn't even show up," she shouted eyeing the ground for something to point at his son.

"Dang it!" He's sure that his cousins ratted him out. Well, he's to blame anyway when he did make them wait. "Eomma," the boy kneeled. This has become his default move to save himself today and as much as he was scared of Chenle, his mom is right up there too. "I met the imoogi!" Raising his palms and rubbing them together he asked for forgiveness and understanding.

"Aigoo," she gazed at the heavens, brows frowning helplessly while hitting the back of her neck with a heavy fist. "Everyone told you to stay within the trees with the geumjul (ritual twine rope) around them. You're lucky, he let you go alive!"

"I- Regarding that" -avoiding his mother's scrutinizing watch, he gestured for the bag containing the pearls he dove for this morning -"I offered to make him a sangtugwan for his hair.

"A pearl sangtugwan?" Her voice rose again at the notion. "Do you know how expensive pearls and silver are Jisung? Just because your father allowed you to make them doesn't mean you can take clients already! This kid!" Pointing her finger at the boy, giving up on the idea of finding something to emphasize her points with, she continued her sermon.

"Ah! What's wrong?" Hurried footsteps came running from the nearby forge while a tall handsome man with greying hair popped out, carrying his ball peen hammer in one hand. "Oh, you're finally home?" He sounded so calm that it earned a glower from his wife.

"This young man right here got himself into trouble," the lady began. She then informed her husband about the predicament herein. By the time Mrs. Park finished, she could see the glint of laughter inside his eyes that she can only sigh in defeat.

Mr. Park, meanwhile, approached his only son and nudged him to stand up, "Why, you beat me son, an imoogi for your first client? Show him our craftsmanship, hm?"

The woman rolled her eyes at the two, outwardly showing her disapproval at how the situation was handled.


Inside the imoogi's cave, whether it is night or day, the sea runs a candescent little river through it. This leads and surrounds an islet in which a single purple mugunghwa plant stood. The branches now had a few flowers on it and today it lost another petal. Watching it get swallowed by the waters, Chenle felt an ache he couldn't understand. Turning his back from it, he walked towards the entryway to watch the sunrise. His time on earth as a lesser dragon is slowly fading and as the rays of sunlight met the blue in his eyes, he felt the tinge of pain once again.

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