🍋 Hi, Bye, Goodnight Prologue

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Synopsis: Two people who are worlds apart will begin to learn what it means to be loved.


Clinks of glasses followed by gulps and slams on the table resounded inside the traditional restaurant's private room full of men and women in suits. Flushed cheeks in the midst of loud idle chatter promptly overflowed as they gush into their own stories breaking the table of fifteen into a few clusters.

"Mr. Park make sure to accommodate our beautiful newbie," the department head grinned at the young lady while swaying slightly to the side, evidently drunk; clearly the second round of drinks are hitting him hard.

Jisung, on the other hand, pretended not to notice the overfamiliar hand that immediately seized his shoulder. Flashing a polite smile at their new recruit who tightened her clutches on his jacket, he casually offered, "Ms. Ahn would you like to order another plate of the halibut?"

"Is it good?" She suggestively bit her lips knowing that she has her good looks to use in exploiting the timid nature of the handsome fellow.

"Eugh!" He mentally barfed, barely maintaining the facade when the hand slowly slid down to his arm. In between gritted teeth, the corners of his mouth shaking slightly he still managed to tactfully put forth, "If you don't like it, you may choose the tuna." This is incredibly uncomfortable but he dare not say anything. Most people here would just brush it off saying that it's best to take advantage of a beautiful woman. "That's our sales department for you," he groaned.


Looking up, he inwardly danced in relief to see the only guy in the group who's around the same age as him interrupting the sly hand of his coworker that had started to advance. "Haechan hyung," Jisung beams.

"Could you help me with the senior manager? He's unable to stand up and I can't carry him alone," the worn out lad gazed down at the passed out middle aged man slumped on the table.

Jumping right up that his cushion almost flew to the lap of Ms. Ahn, he quickly put on his coat and scarf before going over to the opposite side. Grabbing their manager's arm, he gestured for Haechan to take the other. The two hauled the plump man while bidding their goodbyes, bowing as they move towards the sliding paper doors. Visibly more relaxed when their warm faces are finally greeted with the cold winter air, Haechan whispered, "We totally got out of that one. If we've stayed any longer we will end up appeasing those old geezers for whatever unreasonable favours."

Chuckling, Jisung nodded in agreement while calling for a replacement driver. "Good thing Manager Lee is such a lightweight," he added right after slipping his phone back in his pocket. Exchanging a few conversations regarding work, they made use of their time while waiting. "By the way thank you for saving me back there, hyung. And uh... I'm taking the owl bus, how about you?" He inserted the moment their boss had disappeared from view and into the ongoing traffic.

"I'm taking a taxi, you can go ahead," -patting the taller's back Haechan grinned- "We have to look out for each other Ji."

Bowing generously, Jisung said his farewell.

"Ugh... I'm exhausted," launching straight to the sofa, head first into a throw pillow, Jisung mumbled into its soft material. Turning over with a few squirms, he gazed at the ceiling and he's reminded once more why he's killing himself with work. His lips are easily sealed shut and pride is nonexistent when his wallet is this strained. He has long convinced himself that he'll endure all if it means he could pay for his housing loan. A two bedroom apartment like this will be unaffordable if he delays so he seized his chance the moment he was qualified for it. "Two bedroom? As if I can afford starting a family," he scoffed at himself. "It's not going to hurt to be prepared," the hopeful side of his brain rebutted.

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