⭐️ Two Falling Stars and A Pearl II (Fin)

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Walking through the vast forest that Jisung knew like the back of his hand, he listened to the distant sound of waves as he trek along a narrow pathway. There is not much light at this hour but whatever faint beams that managed to penetrate the dense canopy was enough to guide him through the thickets. Passing by the huge trees that are markedly spaced between each other, he paused for a moment to stare at the geumjul (ritual twine rope) around the wide trunks. The many white paper tied on it quivers slightly in the wind and his heart was reminded of that faithful day that he intruded these parts despite the many warnings. He's always been curious about the legend of the imoogi ever since he heard it when he was but a child and for countless times before, he could only sit around here just staring and contemplating whether to cross or not. "It was a good thing I finally got the courage to pass through them or else we wouldn't have met," he smiled happily.

Stepping over the boundary to the sacred grounds, he walked through the remaining part of the now thinning forest. Arriving at a shallow cliff, he treaded down on the boulders carefully. His footsteps continued on until right near the cave's entrance and was unable to take more when he saw Chenle standing outside, looking at the sky. His hanbok is now a softer baby blue that it perfectly brings out the colour of his eyes. The see-through white outer coat is light, appearing to float in the air. It was held below the bust by a mint green tasseled cord, now adorned with jade butterflies, dainty opal flowers and pink coral beads. Jisung had no doubt that he was indeed a celestial being, this beauty is something earth will be too inadequate to behold. "I am too inadequate to even gaze at him like this," he quickly realized. Looking away with cheeks burning in the embarrassment of what he had just thought, he remained avoiding the other's eyes even as he approached him.

Taking notice of the human's presence, the imoogi felt his chest come to life at the way the handsome lad flushes. His skin glows in the early morning sun, that his sharp features was even more breathtaking. The gods sure know how to bless a mortal with all of heaven's good looks. "Jisung?" He spoke with his mouth dry in nervousness but was disappointed when no reply came. "Why is he not facing me?" Impatient, he quickly tugs the taller towards him but gently asks, "What's wrong Ji?"

Helpless at the way his name was spoken, he landed his eyes on the curious ones, "I- I can't afford to look at you, your grace. I don't think I'm worthy."

Chuckling the smaller shook his head, "What are you saying Jisung? That's too formal. We agreed to be casual, remember?"

"Mhm... It's because you're too beautiful," hiding his face with both hands, he knew that he's spouting embarrassing things again and he hoped to the skies that Chenle will ignore him. He thought that it was what exactly the older did since his statement was met with silence. But in bringing his hands down, he was shocked to see that the pale white skin was now tinted rose. They both remained in stunned stillness for a time, cooling the heat on their faces to the crisp spring breeze.

"We should hurry. We're burning daylight," the older meekly addressed, leading the taller out towards the shore whilst gesturing for him to pick up the garden cart with medium-sized baskets in it. He can just fly to the small island across them but he was careful not to show his beast side to the younger yet. It wasn't quite clear to him why he's very aware of Jisung and how he wants to give a good impression all the time but he's sure that he does not intend to risk driving the human away. Stepping into the small boat he prepared, he rowed the two of them in a moderate pace making sure the lad can take his time to enjoy the surroundings.

Observing the calm waters, Jisung was in awe at how clear it was that he can see all the magnificent creatures underneath.

"I've never brought anyone here nor allowed anyone to stray here," Chenle spoke, amused at the way the man has now stretched his body towards the back to further observe the fishes underneath.

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