Chapter 1

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"Ok love, Amanda will be home soon. And when she is we have some things to discuss." I said, Taylor nodded. Minutes later Amanda walked in, "She said yes." I whispered to her, "Great! Ok, let's get the boring part out of the way then." Amanda said, "Boring part?" Taylor said, "She means the rules sweetheart." I said, "Ok, here are the rules." I said as I pulled a document up on my phone and projected it on the tv.

You must never curse.
No backtalk, however, minor sas is encouraged.
No playing with yourself. Your mommies will pleasure you for you if you're a good girl and ask.
Your mommies will dress and wash you.
Absolutely no self-harm! You can tell your mommies if something is wrong and we will fix it. We love you.
You can stay in little space as much as you want, except for when company is over (unless told otherwise), while out in public, or when one of your mommies tells you they need you as a big girl.
Breaking any of these rules will result in immediate punishment, the exact punishment will be determined by whoever is giving the punishment.

"Do those rules sound fair, honey?" I asked, "Yes. They seem more than fair." Taylor said, "Good, and no need to worry about a job. We can afford to cover your every need." Amanda said, "What! No that's too much!" Taylor said, "Oh honey, it's not too much at all. I'm a psychiatrist specializing in people just like you. And Amanda here still makes way more than I do! Remember the coffee shop where we met, well she's the CEO of the company that owns it!" I said I could tell she was speechless, but I had some questions for her. "Ok honey, can you answer some questions for Mama?" I asked, she nodded, "Good girl, now, when you're little how old are you?" I asked, "Usually I'm three or four, but lately I've been a lot younger. Maybe less than a year as of recently." she said, "Ok, and are you uncomfortable with anything? If so tell us now." I said, "No, I'm ok with anything you want to do to me." she said, "Ok, then finally you can call me mama, and you can call Amanda mommy. But understand that you are our girlfriend and our little girl." I said, "Yes Mama." she said happily, "Babe, did you pick up what I asked for?" I asked, "I sure did." Amanda said as he handed me a bag. "Come along sweetie. It's time to get you into something more suitable." I said as I picked her up and put her on my hip, she's barely 5' in heels and only weighs about around 100lbs or so, so I can easily carry her. I took her upstairs to her room and sat her down, "Arms up." I said, she lifted her arms and I took my shirt off her, "Would you like a bra sweetheart?" I asked, she shook her head, "Ok let Mama fix that then." I said as I unhooked her bra and took it off. I took my shorts off her next. Since she soiled herself last night she wasn't wearing any panties. "Ok sweetie lie down on the bed." I said, once she lied down I took a box of diapers out of the bag and put one on her, I taped it up and sat her up, next I took out an adorable onesie and put it on her. "Aww! You're just too precious!" I cooed as she began to chew on her fingers, "Is Mama's little angel hungry? Well, let's feed you then." I said as I scooped her up and carried her downstairs. If I had to guess at the moment she's about a year old at most so I'll see if she can handle a spoon or not. I gave her to Amanda and got some leftover mashed potatoes and heated them, "Ok love bug, here comes the airplane." I said as I made airplane noises making her open her mouth and let me put the spoon in, but as soon as I took it out she began to cry, "Shhh it's ok baby girl. You're alright." I said, "I should've known that she's not ready for this yet. And we don't have any sippy cups yet!" I said, "Babe, it's fine. I mean we have been taking those drugs since we started looking for a little just like her." Amanda said as I took Taylor back and sat down next to her and lifted my shirt. Taylor was hesitant at first, but latched on soon enough, "Babe I wouldn't call what we're taking drugs, they are just hormones that trick our bodies into thinking that we're pregnant." I said as Taylor drank my milk, "True. If they were drugs they'd cost more and be way more fun." she joked, "Amanda Jones!" I gasped as I smacked her arm, "Our baby is right here!" I said.

Amanda POV

Ava had to go to a work party. Although she works from home she still has to attend the stupid parties. And here I am stuck watching our baby girl all alone! Speaking of which Taylor has been very quiet lately. "Taylor? Sweetie pie where are you?" I said as I searched for her and found her on the floor of the downstairs bathroom trying to get into the cabinet below the sink, "NO SWEETIE!" I said worriedly as I ran in and scooped her up, "You are not leaving Mommy's side young lady." I said sweetly as I looked at the time, "Oh my goodness, it's eight-thirty already! Let's get you in a bath and into bed!" I said as I carried her up to the bathroom and started the bath, I stripped her and put her in the tub. She splashed around and giggled. She's such a cutie. "Ok sweetie pie Mommy's going to wash you now. Please close your beautiful little eyes for mommy." I said, she closed her eyes, but I put my hand over her eyes just to be safe. I washed her hair and rinsed the soap off before moving to her body. She giggled when I washed her, "Well someone's ticklish." I said as I picked her up and dried her off. I put a new diaper on her and dressed her.

I took Taylor to her room and tucked her in once she was asleep I called myself from her phone to use as a makeshift monitor, I muted my phone so she wouldn't hear anything from my end. I kissed her forehead and went downstairs. After a few hours Ava came home, "Hey babe, how was the party?" I asked, "Party? What party?" Ava asked, "Your work party." I said, "Oh that, yeah I lied." she said nonchalantly, "What!" I said almost angrily, "Ok babe, I know you said that we'd go shopping tomorrow as a family, but I couldn't wait. I just felt so horrible after hurting her that I had to go out and buy her things." she said as she lifted up several large bags. Some had outfits, some had toys, and the rest had other items we'd need for her. "Ava." I said, "I know, but look at the adorable panda I bought her!" she said as she tossed me the panda, I hated to admit it, but it was adorable. I sighed making her smirk I just pulled her onto my lap and kissed her. "You know, we probably have at least a few hours before Taylor wakes up." I said as I ran my fingers down her back, "I don't know, do you think you can get the job done in the kind of time limit?" she joked as she kissed me and took off her top, suddenly Taylor began to cry, "Sounds like those few hours came and went." she said, "Well at least something did." I said disappointedly, "Oh don't be like that, I give you a massage when I'm done with her. She's probably just hungry and needs changed." she said as he kissed me, "And I'll set up the new monitor while I'm up there." she said.

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