Chapter 11

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I'm nearly six months into my pregnancy, turns out I'm having twins. Sarah had an early birth. Thankfully both she and the baby are alright and there were no complications. She had a healthy baby girl. Erin was disappointed for a split second since she wanted a boy but was happy nonetheless. Sahra, Erin, Vanessa, and the baby were all coming over so we could have a party.

"Hello!" I said happily as I hugged Sarah, "And there she is. Such a cutie." I cooed, "Her name is Bella. But I like to call her Bell." Sarah said as she picked up the baby, "Hello Bell." I said sweetly, "So how's Taylor been handling the pregnancy?" Erin asked, "She's been taking it pretty hard. She's so used to being the center of attention that she can't stand not being the focus of our affection." I said, "Yeah her temper tantrums have gotten so bad that she's started coming to work with me so she won't disturb Ava while she's working or break anything." Amanda said, "Well let me know if she starts acting weird." Sarah said.

We sat around and talked while Amanda and Erin cooked lunch. "Ava, I've been thinking about the future, more importantly, a future where Erin and I are...where we...look if anything were to happen to us. I want you to look after Bella in our place." Sarah said, "We'd be more than happy to." I said as I rocked  Bella, "So where is Taylor anyway?" she asked, "Sulking in her room. I told her that her baby sister was coming over and she got angry." I said as Makayla sniffed Bella, "Gentle girl. She's fragile." I said sweetly, "Lunch is ready." Amanda said.

Amanda POV

"Taylor come on, lunch is ready and Sarah wants to see you." I said, "Nu." Taylor moaned, "Taylor, I wasn't asking." I said as I pulled her out of bed and carried her downstairs.

"Here she is." I said, "Hi there sweetheart." Sarah said sweetly as Taylor pouted, "Oh come now don't be like that." I said, "Don't worry I'm used to the silent treatment. Vanessa was furious when I told her she had to go to her mom's house. She really wanted to come." she said.

Sarah POV

We ate lunch outside and Taylor kept bullying poor Makayla! She eventually snapped and tried to bite Taylor for pulling her tail so much and Taylor pretended to be hurt. Amanda was about to punish Makayla when I stood up, "Amanda she did nothing wrong." I said, "And as for you Taylor, get out of headspace." I said, "Nu!" Taylor said, "Erin please don't take what I'm about to do as an example of my parenting. And Ava, Amanda please just let me do this." I said as I took a deep breath and walked over to Taylor before I slapped her as hard as I could, "When I tell you to get out of your headspace you do not EVER tell me no!" I snapped. Taylor looked at her parents clearly frightened, but they won't be coming to her rescue this time. "You're back to your old tricks." I said, "M-Mama? M-Mommy? Help me! She's hurting me!" Taylor cried, "Shut up. No one is saving you. Or did you forget our deal?" I said, "Your deal?" Ava asked, "If she ever started manipulating people again she's going back to Shady Oasis." I said making Taylor visibly frightened, "What's going on?" Ava asked, "She never told you? Taylor's parents were both arrested after they were found guilty of everything they did to her. Six months later after she had an abortion, she went to visit her parents, and six hours after she left they both committed suicide. My parents had her psychologically evaluated and found her to have pathological manipulative tendencies, and multiple personality disorder. She was checked into Shady Oasis for treatment. I took her in after she got out and for whatever reason, she doesn't try to manipulate me and when she does it never works." I said, "Ava, Amanda, I'm asking as your friend. Please let me take her." I said Amanda nodded and held Ava.

Taylor screamed and cried as I took her to Shady Oasis. I made a deal that if they tended to Taylor's needs, I'd tend to her treatment. The hospital agreed once they verified my credentials.

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