Chapter 6

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Taylor POV

When Sarah took me to her new home I was shocked to see she bought her dream house. "I must warn you, my house is a disaster area at the moment." Sarah said as she unlocked the door, "I'm home, and I brought a friend home with me!" She announced as we entered the house, "MAMA!" A little girl shouted happily as she jumped into Sarah's arms.

"Hey, there munchkin! Did you miss your mama that much?" Sarah said sweetly, "Taylor, I'd like for you to meet my daughter, Vanessa

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"Hey, there munchkin! Did you miss your mama that much?" Sarah said sweetly, "Taylor, I'd like for you to meet my daughter, Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Taylor, she's mama's friend, and she acts like a baby just like you!" Sarah said, "Sarah!" I said in embarrassment, "Relax. She's three. She won't judge." She said as she set Vanessa down, "Ok munchkin, drop 'em." She said, suddenly Vanessa pulled her shorts down, Sarah pulled back her underwear and sighed, "Vanessa, we talked about this. If you need to potty, you tell your nanny. Big girls don't poop their pants. Looks like you're gonna have to keep wearing your diapers." She said, "Oh! You probably need a change too! Here let me check!" She said as he tried to pull my pants down, "S-Stop it! P-Please!" I said softly as I held my pants up, "Sweetie, let me check, if you had an accident then I can't let you stay in those clothes." She said sweetly. In truth, I did need changed but I couldn't let her see my private parts and not with her daughter in the room! "Come on sweetie, let's go to my room." She said as she led me upstairs to her bedroom, "Vanessa you play downstairs alright. I'll make supper soon." She said sweetly as she pushed me into her room. "Lie down on the floor for me princess. I know you had an accident I could tell from how you're walking." She said, "Are you wearing panties or a diaper? I need you to tell me, princess." I said, "P-Panties." I said softly trying not to sound embarrassed, "Alright lie down." She said sweetly as I lied down, "Sweetie I'm gonna change you into a diaper. I kept them just in case you came back." She said as she opened a drawer and got an adult diaper for me. She pulled down my pants and took off my panties, "Princess, these are backward and inside out. I'll wash them for you later, alright?" She said sweetly I nodded.

Sarah POV

I was about to put Taylor's diaper on her, "Ok sweetie spread your legs nice and wide so I can wipe you down and change you." I said she nodded and spread her legs, "Princess, have you shaved recently?" I asked sweetly, "No, Mama won't let me use a razor. She said I could cut myself." She said softly, "That's right, and that would hurt, but would you like me to help you shave princess?" I said sweetly she nodded and sat up and made grabby hands. She had slipped into little space and wanted to be held then she got fussy and tried to rip her shirt off, "Let me help you silly." I said as I took her shirt and training bra off. I scooped her up and held her on my hip, she played with my hair as I took her to the bathroom and set her on the countertop, she began to get fussy and wanted held again, "Princess I need you to sit still. Otherwise, you'll get a boo-boo." I said as I put the shaving cream on her legs and gently shaved her legs before I did the same to her armpits. "Now sweetie pie, sit very very still. This is a precious spot and I don't want to cut it on accident." I said sweetly as I put the shaving cream on her crotch, "Ready? One. Two. Three. Here we go, princess!" I said as I began to shave her crotch. "There! All done! Isn't it pretty sweetie?" I said as she pawed at her freshly shaven crotch. I picked her up and went to finish putting her diaper on her, suddenly I felt something wet on my hip. I put her diaper on her and changed my pants. Suddenly she began to cry, "Oh what's wrong? Are you hungry?" I asked sweetly as I picked her up, "Don't worry supper will be ready soon." I said sweetly and I carried her downstairs.

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