Chapter 4

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Lydia POV

"Ok Taylor be a good girl and don't make this difficult!" I said as I tried to get her to stay still, but she just kept wriggling around, "Here let me show you what to do." Ava said sweetly, "Taylor, sit still." She ordered, but to no avail, "Fine then have it your way." She said before she placed her hand on Taylor's diaper where her crotch was and she instantly stopped moving, "Now if you're good for the rest of the day maybe I'll make you feel good." She said as she rubbed the diaper. "Ava I will not resort to that!" I said, "That's your choice but when she gets like this there's no reasoning with her." She said before she left, "Ok sweetie let's get you changed." I said as I untapped her diaper, it wasn't too terribly wet, but wet enough to justify changing her. I wiped her down, "Ok cutie, lift your cute little booty for me." I said as I lifted her legs and put a new diaper under her. I put her down and taped the diaper. "There's a clean baby." I said as Taylor chewed on her fingers. I picked her up and carried her downstairs.

"Here she is, a nice and clean baby. All dressed up and ready for the day." I said, "Oh, Mom you didn't have to dress her. We're not going anywhere today so no need to dress up." Amanda said, "You're kidding me." I said as I handed Taylor to my daughter.

Amanda POV

Taylor keep pawing at her shirt trying to get it off, "Does mommy's little princess not like her outfit?" I cooed she shook her head, do you not want to wear the shirt or your skirt or anything of it?" I asked she nodded, "I guess you don't like any of it do you princess? Do you want Mommy to take it off you?" I cooed she nodded, "Ok lovely." I said as I scooped her up and took her to the bathroom. "Ok princess arms up." I said she lifted her arms and I took her shirt off followed by her skirt. "Do you want your bra sweetheart?" I asked sweetly she shook her head as she chewed her fingers. "Ok but the diaper stays on. We don't need you having an accident on the floor, and I don't think grandma wants to see you full frontal. Well it's nothing she hasn't seen before but still." I said.

"Wow, that's a naked baby!" Ava said playfully as Taylor crawled over to her. "There's my baby. Why don't you go play with your toys." She said sweetly as she sat her down. "Is this normal for you three?" Mom asked, "Yeah kinda. Well the naked thing is a first, but she always starts the day in a near infantile state. She usually has her milk and some cereal by now. So she'll probably be hungry pretty soon." I said making Mom snicker, "Then she's just like her mommy." Mom said, "When you were a baby, every morning after you'd finished breastfeeding I'd give you a bowl of Cheerios to nibble on while I attended to your older sister. Oh you'd get so jealous and would fill your diaper just to get my attention." She said, "MOM! Fine since we seem to be on memory lane, care to talk about what happened when I was five?" I said, "Oh what happened at the tender age of five?" Ava asked with playful curiosity, "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" Mom lied, "I walked in on my parents having sex. Mom looked amazing, but I didn't like the way my father looked. I guess that's why I am the way I am today." I said, "That's a little weird, but in a sweet way." Ava said, "My parents...well I never met them and my sister doesn't like talking about them, but if I did know them I'm sure they'd have plenty of stories to tell." She said, "Babe, are you alright? You're talking about them again, you know what Ava baby why don't you go wait in our room and we can talk all about this." I said, "Alright?" She said as she got up. I smacked her ass when she walked by. "I'm sorry I have to deal with this." I said, "And what exactly is this?" Mom asked, "Trauma. Namely the abusive verity." I said as I went upstairs.

"Ava honey." I said softly, "I'm pathetic. One mention of my parents and I crumble. And it's not like I'm gonna even remember this in the morning, cause I'm just that fucked up." Ava said, "Yeah you have your issues, but babe, that's what I love you. You're different and amazing. You just have to remember that they are never going to hurt you again and they are never coming back." I said as I comforted her.

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