Chapter 7

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"MY BABY!" I cried as I hugged Taylor tightly, "M-Mama I can't breathe!" Taylor said, "Good cause I'm gonna kill you for making me worry like that!" I cried, "Babe I need to talk to you about something. I realized something. I can't be a mother and a girlfriend. So I'm breaking up with Taylor and I will only be her mommy." Amanda said softly, "I know. I was hoping you would do something like that." I said, "Taylor baby, go wait for me in your room. You're going to be punished for running away." I said, "Yes Mama." She said as she went to her room. "Amanda, I was thinking, since I have my sweet little girl, you deserve something too. Maybe not a little, but something that you can have fun with." I said, "Babe, are you seriously thinking about bringing a fourth person into our marriage?!" She said, "No. She's my newest client and she needs a good home. She regressed and chose to stay in her regressed state. She's a pet, a puppy to be precise. And I know you love dogs, don't lie and say you don't! I found your secret figure collection and all those collars for your porcelain dogs." I said making her sigh, "What does she know?" She asked, "She can sit, stay, shake, rollover, and thanks to some very unethical hypnosis she can return to her adult mindset. She agreed to the hypnosis, but I can still get fired for doing it." I said, "Is she housebroken?" She asked, "Babe, she's a puppy, so no she's not housebroken." I said, "Ok where is she, I'll go meet her." She said, "She's already here. I couldn't let her just go out to the world all alone!" I said as I went to get her.

Amanda POV

"Here she is!" Ava said as she led a beautiful woman in on a leash before she sat down.

"Here she is!" Ava said as she led a beautiful woman in on a leash before she sat down

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"Amanda, my love, meet Makayla." Ava said as Makayla chewed at her leash, "Makayla no! Bad girl!" She said sternly, Makayla whined and nuzzled her leg apologetically, "She's very affectionate, but she has a bit of a naughty side." Ava said. I walked over and knelt looking into Makayla's eyes, she seemed nervous about me at first, but then she licked me and seemed normal enough. "I'm gonna take her to the lake house. I want her completely broken and submissive before I let her around Taylor." I said as I went upstairs to pack. When I got to my room I saw Ava had already picked out a collar for her. A black leather collar with silver trim. I smiled and packed my bags and packed the collar as well.

After a few hours of driving, we were at the lake house, Makayla wanted out of the car desperately and the second I began opening the door she forced her way out and ran around. She ran to me and ran around my legs, "Makayla, sit girl!" I ordered she sat down and panted, I put her training collar back on her and led her inside. I sat on the couch and she hopped up onto my lap. I scratched behind her ears and down her back seeing that she liked it. I flipped her over onto her back and scratched her belly making her kick her leg when I scratched just under her right boob. "Looks like I found your sweet spot." I said. I planned to bond with her for today and tomorrow then I'll start training her. I continued to rub her belly as I watched tv, suddenly she tugged at my shirt with her teeth. "Makayla, no. Bad girl, you'll rip it." I said as she continued to tug at my shirt, and sure enough, she ripped it. The second she realized what she did she got off me and ran to my room to hide. "Makayla come!" I said sternly she hesitantly walked back out to me. I simply took off my now ruined shirt and threw it away, I patted the seat next to me and she happily jumped back up onto the couch. "We're gonna need to build you a pet room at home and one here too. Anyway, I'll go out and buy you some puppy pads tomorrow until then you will wear diapers. I can't have you pissing inside now can I?" I said as she took hold of the shirt she was wearing training to get it off, "Does my girl not like her clothes? Well, I'll fix that. I said as I got up and got a pair of scissors from the kitchen. "Makayla come here." I said, she pranced over to me before sitting at my feet, "Puppies don't wear clothes so let's fix that." I said as I cut her shirt off and did the same to her skirt. She seemed so happy to be free. She jumped onto me and licked me, "Stop it girl, that's enough. I said as I pushed her over me, suddenly she clung to my leg, "No! Bad girl! You don't hump mommy!" I said sternly making her whine, she nuzzled my leg hoping I'd change my mind, "Come." I said as I led her back to the couch. She lied across my lap, but I forced her to lie on her back, "You're a naughty puppy. Mommy will have to punish you." I said as I ran my hand across her stomach down to her crotch. I ran my fingers along her lace panties, I got up and took them off her, "Lie down on the ground." I said and surprisingly she listened and lied down on the ground on her back. I took off my shoes and rubbed my silk stockings against her crotch. I could feel her getting wetter and wetter, "I believe that someone needs to learn her place. You are a puppy and I am your master!" I said as I began to put pressure on her crotch. She squirmed trying to get away, but couldn't, "You are never to hump your masters unless given permission! Good pups are rewarded, and bad pups are punished, now if you're a good girl I'll make you feel good." I said as she panted in pleasure as I ground my heel against her clit. I removed my foot making her whine, she tried to start humping again, but I kicked her off, "Not without permission. Oh, look at what you did. My leg is filthy, lick it clean." I said she crawled over and began licking my leg following the scent of her juices down to my foot and licked it clean as well. "Makayla, you may hump." I said making her happy, she furiously began humping my leg. I laughed slightly as she squirted on my leg. I pulled her up onto my lap and once her pussy touched my thigh she came again. "Now does my little pup have to potty? You haven't gone in a while." I said as I lifted her chin, she barked and licked me. Suddenly I felt something warm running down my leg and when I looked to see what it was I found she was pissing on my leg! I wasn't mad, in fact, I was kinda happy, since I told Taylor I didn't care what she does to me I have to get used to the feeling of other people's bodily secretions on my skin. Makayla whined thinking I was about to punish her, but I just petted her head and let her snuggle with me.


"Ok baby it's time for your punishment." I said Taylor instinctively pulled down her pants and panties and stuck her ass in the air. She looked about ready to cry. I sat down and rubbed her butt gently before pulling her onto my lap. "Your punishment is to give mama a kiss for every hour you we're gone." I said sweetly she nodded and kissed me. Thirty-five kisses later she was finally finished, I let her snuggle into me, "Mama." She said softly as she nuzzled into my neck, "Honeybun, are you hungry? Horny? Sleepy? I wanna spend time with you baby." I said sweetly as I rubbed her back, "Mama I love you." She said, "I love you too baby girl. Now let's do something together. Anything you want just name it baby." I said, "Mama can we cuddle naked?" She asked, "Of course honey. Let mama up so I can get us both undressed." I said as she got off me. I took her shirt and bra off before stripping myself. I picked her up and carried her to the couch. She snuggled into me, I rubbed her back before I rubbed her butt, "Mama! Stop it, that's dirty." She moaned, "I don't care. This cute little booty belongs to me and I'll do whatever I want with it." I said, "But what if I have an accident when you're playing! Mommy got mad last time I did that." She said softly, "Honey, I'm your mother, and you are my darling daughter. Having a baby piss and shit on me is an occupational hazard. Besides if you're the one doing it to me, then it's a woman who I love with all my heart doing it. That means there isn't anything you could do to me that I wouldn't love." I said sweetly.

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