Chapter 3

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Taylor POV

It's been a few weeks since I was a bad girl. Mommy and Mama seem to have put it in the past and moved on, but I still felt terrible about it. I've been trying to get Mama's attention all day, but she's been in a very very bad mood all day and I'm scared she'll kick me out if I'm not careful. "M-Mama." I said nervously as I tugged at Mama's sleeve, "Yes baby, what is it?" Mama asked sweetly, "Mama are you mad?" I asked, mama just sighed and scooped me up, "No baby girl, Mama isn't mad. I'm frustrated that's all." She said, "Why?" I asked, "Well honey, for starters my mother-in-law is coming to town and she wants to stay here. Secondly, my mother-in-law is coming here." She said, "If you can't tell your grandmother and I don't get along. She hates me and I love her daughter." She said.

We've been waiting for hours for Grandma to get here, "Honestly honey, why do you have to live so far away? You should just come live with me!" a woman said as she entered the house.

We've been waiting for hours for Grandma to get here, "Honestly honey, why do you have to live so far away? You should just come live with me!" a woman said as she entered the house

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"Lydia, it's lovely to see you." Mama said as he clenched her fist behind her back, "Oh you're still here? Honestly Amanda, darling, you should get a divorce, sell the house, and come home." Lydia said, "Mom, we talked about this. I love Ava and I love my house." Mommy said, "Fine if you insist." Lydia said as she looked around before locking eyes with me, "And who is this?" She said, "Mom, meet Taylor." Mommy said, "She's my niece, she's been living with us after she had some family troubles." Mama lied. I felt hurt, I could feel my cheeks heating up. I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut.


"I'll go check on her." I said as I walked upstairs. "Taylor what on Earth was that all about?!" I asked as I entered her room and closed the door behind me, I expected to find my baby girl pouting, but I found her in tears, "Honey, what's the matter?" I asked sweetly as I tried to comfort her, "You're e-embarrassed of me!" She cried, "Oh sweetie, no we aren't, Lydia...Lydia just wouldn't understand it. She doesn't like things she can't understand. Like how her precious baby girl fell in love with a woman. Or how we have a baby who's a grown woman. It hurt for me to lie about you, but I promise to make it up to you. I'll let you nurse for as long as you want and you can even play with them if you want." I said sweetly, "W-Weally?" She sniffled, "Really, I promised didn't I?" I said, "Has now?" She asked, "Of course darling." I said as I unbuttoned my shirt and took off my bra, she immediately latched onto my breast and began sucking on the left one while she pawed at the right. "I much prefer this than to deal with Lydia." I said sweetly making her smile, suddenly the door opened and I saw Lydia standing there with a look of shock and disgust, "What the hell is going on here?" Lydia said. I could tell Taylor was uncomfortable and I felt the same, but nothing I could say would make a bit of difference, in Lydia's eyes I was already guilty. I sighed solidifying my resolve, "You caught us. Taylor isn't my niece, she's my girlfriend. But she's also Amanda's girlfriend too. But on top of all that, she's our baby girl and if you have a problem with that then you can get out of my house." I said sternly Lydia said nothing and went back downstairs. I fell back onto the bed feeling mentally exhausted. "Mama?" Taylor said, "I'm already honey. That was just...intense." I said.

Taylor and I went downstairs and found Amanda and Lydia sitting in awkward silence. "What did you do?!" Amanda whispered as I sat beside her, "Amanda, I'm sorry." Lydia said, "I must apologize to you as well, Ava." She said, "I forgot something very important, and that's to not interfere in the love of others." She said, "Taylor, while I don't fully understand what I saw, I will at least try to accept it." She said, "Oh my God, I broke your mother!" I said, "No, I simply realized that you found your breaking point, and I stopped pushing." She said, "Now Taylor, come here." She said, Taylor hesitantly walked over to her, she looked back at Amanda and I for confirmation that it was ok. Lydia pulled her onto her lap and let Taylor fall back slightly into a more comfortable position, "It's strange holding a grown woman as if she were a baby, but I suppose that I can see the appeal." She said.

Lydia POV

I asked Ava and Amanda to let me put Taylor down for her nap, they agreed and told me to meet them out back when I finished. "No seepy." Taylor said as she rubbed her eyes, "Oh, what if I told you a story?" I asked, "Stowy?" She said, "That's right dear, a story about your mommy." I said piquing her interest, "If I tell you the story will you be a good girl and take your nap?" I asked she nodded, "Very well. It all started one month before Amanda was born. Her father had just hired me to be Amanda's wet nurse. I was only about twenty when she was born, sadly her mother passed away that same day. I was invited to live with the family since Amanda needed me. Eventually, Amanda's father and I fell in love and we got married. I raised Amanda as though she were my daughter. At first, she was a handful and was hard to deal with, but eventually, I got used to her and fell in love with her and all her crazy antics." I said sweetly, I looked up at Taylor and found her fast asleep. I smiled and left quietly.

When I went out to the backyard I found Ava on top of my daughter lying by the pool. "Oh, Mom, Ava and I were thinking about going swimming if you want to join us." Amanda said, "No, but thank you, honey." I said sweetly.

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