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-Ink is asexual, but he thinks that might change in the future (cough cough errorink cough cough)

-If Ink is excited, he throws up ink. If Ink is surprised, Ink will just leak out of his mouth, not really vomiting it out.

-Everyone knows Ink has short term memory, which is why he writes notes on his scarf, but he also has selective memory. It does the opposite of what he wants however and tends to remember the more traumatic events of his life in exquisite detail while making good memories feel vague and blurry.

-Ink supports all kind of art, but never shows his. He is afraid of hate and judgement, so he keeps his art to himself and his closest friends. Art is meant to be his therapy after all, not something that causes the need for therapy.

-Ink feels very little pain in his feet and hands because of his fights, which is why he discarded his sneakers. 

-The addition and subtraction of tattoos is very subtle. It took decades for the tattoos to cover his ribcage, and keep in mind dozens of AU's are created and destroyed every day. When one is created, he feels a small tingle. When one is destroyed, he feels like his ribs are going to snap in half. Now imagine doing that for millennia...Ink has amazing pain tolerance because of that.

-Ink follows orders from King Multiverse as to which AU's are meant to be destroyed, as well as which AU's should be protected at all costs. He also follows Omnipotent and Bill the same way.

-Ink is often bossed around by King Multiverse. 

-Ink isn't mad at Error destroying the AU's in general, he's mad because Error does it on mass. This is also why Ink sometimes will not engage in a physical fight with Error. He will instead talk to him, asking for him to slow down a bit, despite them both knowing he will never listen.

-Ink isn't really a part of the Star Sanses in the sense he doesn't always fight for them. Don't get it wrong, he is SUPER close to Dream and Blue. It's just that sometimes, AU's and timelines are meant to be destroyed or altered, and it just doesn't sit well with Ink to go against his superior's orders, even if it goes against his wishes.

-Dream knows of Ink's vials.

-Ink's vials only replicate a handful of emotions, so emotions like love, empathy, depression, and hate are replicated using several different bottles. So yes, Dream and Blue are really his friends and he really does hate Nightmare and Cross.

-Ink holds a grudge against Cross for attempting to start the x-event (Underverse does not take place in my AU) since many timelines that weren't meant to be touched such as the first true pacifist timeline of Underswap were damaged from the overwrite. The fact that they're brothers just means that they don't completely try to kill each other.

-Ink somewhat dislikes Nightmare for supporting Cross during the x-event as well as ruining some timelines he preferred were kept safe.

-King Multiverse has punishment rooms for Error and Ink. Ink's room is all white. His bones are washed white as well using a special dye and his clothes are white too. All he has in the room is a white puzzle and a mirror.

-Ink also does not mind Error for destroying AU's and timelines because it helps get the strain of his back.

-Ink, despite the creator's telling him so, does not understand that the cost of maintaining every single timeline and AU shouldn't cost him his physical and mental health.

-Ink goes into a "work mode" wherein he does nothing but repair glitches in the multiverse, aid characters, and overall protect the multiverse. He doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep, and all he drinks are coffee and energy drinks. When that happens, it is very difficult to get him to stop, even with the help of King M.

-On several occasions, Ink had to be "kidnapped" by Nightmare or Error because he was on the verge of losing his sanity and he was malnourishing himself. Nightmare and Error have a special room for people like Ink and Geno when they need to seriously take a break. It is filled with luxuries like a tv, bathroom, game consoles, good food, etc. This is the only time when Ink and the Bad Sanses are nice to each other.

-Cross, Ink, and Reaper are all siblings. 

-If you put Ink in the anti-void, as long as Error is with him, he won't freak out. (He probably shouldnt be trusting him that much but oh well)

-Ink and Error help each other with their fears.

-Ink is 100% a cuddle bug, and he will always be the little spoon (you can't change my mind).

-Ink is about a millenium old, somewhere about 900-1100. Cross is a year older, and reaper is 3 years older. Classic is 7 years older than reaper.

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