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-Ink will wake up by Error and Error alone. Otherwise, he sleeping for eternity

-Horror's good at cooking, it's just that his former history makes people cautious

-Lust either goes full crop top, shorts, and pimp jacket on some days, then the rest is just hoodies and sweatpants.

-When Error got over his haphephobia and realized how amazing hugging was, he immediately resorted to cuddling Ink every night. Ink doesn't mind; it's nice being the little spoon. Same thing with Reaper.

-If Error isn't hugging him or in any physical contact with him, Ink will go from sleeping like a normal person to contorting into some demonic position in the span of about five minutes.

-Nightmare's tentacles, while not being completely sentient, tend do whatever is based if his thinking process. Feeling lonely? One of them will find Killer. Mad? Another will find someone to take it out on.

-Epic and Fresh might look like they have bad taste, but are great at planning parties and occasions.

-Ink acts like a cat, you cannot change my mindl

-He takes naps in boxes if Error doesn't want to sleep and he loves pushing things of counters and sleeping on said counters. But everyone doesn't mind because it's fucking adorable when he purrs.

-Ink's favorite pajamas are Error's old hoodies as they're long enough to reach midway through his thigh. Error minds, yet doesn't as he didn't need those hoodies anyways. But then, Ink is basically half naked in the bed all the time. But Error gets to see Ink's pelvis in the morning-

-Ink has some form of combined adhd. Because of his job and plenty help from Sci, he's able to get it mostly under control. He can't stay still though.

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