Dream (and Shattered)

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-Dream will never and would never kill Nightmare. He doesn't really hate Nightmare, just wishes he could have taken a different route. He understands Nightmare's reasoning behind things.

-Shattered follows Dream around in a more Cross Chara or even Dust Papyrus kind of way, whispering suggestions and courses of action in his ear.

-Shattered comes from a multiverse wherein Nightmare successfully reverts Dream, and everyone is at peace. Because he still wants to win, he went on to Dream's multiverse to try and convince him to eat the apple or at least allow him to take control of his body. Dream refuses, of course, but it has happened before when there were too many negative feelings. In both cases, Ink had to signal to Nightmare and Error that Dream needed to help.

-Dream was used by the villagers because Dream thought he had to help everyone, even if he couldn't help himself, and they took advantage of that. Dream hides his feeling so well because it's more natural to him than letting it all out.

-Dream always tries to exert some of his aura, even when no one is around, because he was taught by the villagers that everyone would be happier and nicer if he did.

-Dream did not know Nightmare was being bullied, as Nightmare said he was just accident prone.

-Dream used to overwork himself everyday, but when he saw Ink in his work mode, he put an end to that.

-Dream is flexible to the point of being able to shoot arrows accurately with his feet.

-People think Dream wears his cape and stuff all day, but Dream actually changes into a yellow hoodie when at the base.

-Dream likes tea.

-For one of Nightmare and Dream's birthday, Dream asked Sci to make bracelets that would numb Nightmare's aura. He had heard Killer was experiencing nightmares from sleeping with Nightmare so much, and wanted Nightmare's relationship to be successful. 

-When Nightmare has a Nightmare, Dream gets rid of it and stays with Nightmare for as long as he is asleep. He has a tendency to fall asleep with him as well, and will immediately teleport away if he hears or sees someone coming.

-Dream sleeps with a replica of Nightmare's crown on his side table.

-Dream knows of the other multiverse, but it was on accident. It cause a few panic attacks along the way (I mean, you'd panic if you'd reaize that most worlds make you a murderer).

-Dream talks a lot to DS, SD, Empireverse, and Reset Dream for advice. Reset!Dream has great advice when it comes to attacking with physical weapons like his bow. SD!Dream is good with controlling magic and such, also using his aura to suit the situation like manipulation. Empireverse!Dream is great when it comes to creating strategies against enemies like Nightmare, while DS!Dream is best suited with paperwork and leadership.

-Dream is the exact same age as Nightmare, but Nightmare will always treat him as if he were the younger one.

-Dream is not innocent, I'm afraid.

-Dream loves coffee.

-Dream rides at dawn.

-Dream is in love with anything apple related except for...well...apples...for some reason. He loves how apples taste, but just apples remind him of his past.

-Dream is good at spotting manipulative relationships and fake friends, seeing as he's had many himself.

-Dream has a lot of old scrolls and books from when he was younger. Also, writing with pen and ink makes him a lot happier than typing it out, for some reason.

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