chapter 1 -The party

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Two weeks earlier...

Taylor was sitting on her bed watching Netflix just a usual Friday evening for her. She was addicted to this show shadow hunters she loved supernatural shows. Something about the supernatural world was so interesting to her. She even believed that maybe those creatures that go bump in the night were real who knows just because you do not see them does not mean there not there. Okay that thought was crazy she realised like seriously vampires and werewolves were real that is ludicrous. Taylor nearly jumped out her skin when her phone started ringing, she checked the caller ID it was her best friend Veronica she answers it. "God Veronica you scared the shit out of me I was watching shadow hunters." "Don't watch that show if it freaks you out Taylor." "Let's change the subject okay um why are you calling?" "Can I not just call my best friend does there need to be a reason?" Veronica says faking annoyed. "I'm sorry Veronica did you need something?."

"Yes, I did I want you to come to a party with me tonight." "You know I hate party's veronica." "That's why I'm not taking no for an answer you're coming that's it, can you be a fun friend for once?." "Hey are you saying I'm not fun? that hurts veronica" I say sarcastically how could she say I'm not fun I am fun I just don't like party's not every girl is a social butterfly I'm not much for going out. I'd rather stay in and watch Netflix which I was doing a few minutes before Veronica interrupted my me time. If I don't say I am going she is going to be so pissed ah I hate being such a people pleaser. "fine Veronica I'll go." "Yes!, I'll pick you up in an hour you better wear something party appropriate not your usual jeans and t shirt ". "Okay Veronica I'll wear something party appropriate now I'm going to hang up bye Vee" "bye Taylor remember an hour start getting ready" "I got it bye" finally I hung up Veronica is a good friend but she drives me nuts sometimes. She is a extrovert and I am an introvert we balance each other out that is what's great about are friendship. We have been friends for over ten years since elementary school now were 18 nearly finished high school and we'll be going to the same collage next year. I wouldn't be able to handle collage on my own.

An hour Veronica said god I have to get ready now what am I going to wear?, sure I have that dress I wore to homecoming but that's way to fancy for a basic party. This is why I don't go to things like this because I always have nothing to wear, I don't have sparkly dresses and tops that was never me. Ask anyone in school they literally all call me a tomboy because of what I wear, the only thing girly about me is my long chestnut hair and lately I got this cute fringe so that makes me look all cute and petite. Of course, I look petite I'm 5'4.

I check the time it was 7:15 shit! I have 45 minutes to get dressed. Then I remember I have a pair of black skinny jeans that Veronica begged me to buy the last time we went shopping. She is trying to change my style, but it is not working I like my style it's basic but comfortable like me. I just remembered that red top she bought for me for my birthday back in May that would go great with those skinny jeans. 30 minutes later dressed and high heels on because Veronica will not let me go to the party in my sneakers, so uncomfortable shoes it is. I apply some mascara and eyeliner and red lipstick for the final look. When I look in the mirror, I don't even recognise myself I look so different. But maybe that is a good thing maybe I can pretend to be someone else for a change. Tonight, I will be someone different one of those confident, pretty girls that get all the boys running after them.

This will be a great night because no one will recognise me. I can do some reckless things like take my first drink are kiss a boy I will never see again like anything could happen. That should scare me, but it is sort of thrilling in a way. Wow I am getting carried away the only boys that are going to be there are the complete jerks that I go to school with. Like I am going to kiss any of them? they are so immature. God I hope I don't run into Peter he's the partying type, he's also my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me with the worst person ever my childhood enemy Carla, she's such a bitch she knew what she was doing when she stole him from me. she knew how I would feel. To bad for her that Peter left her a few months after they got together, he was never a one-woman kind of guy I would not be surprised if he were cheating on Clara before they broke up. Let us just say he was a player and still is.

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