chapter 4 -The escape

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She arrives at the address the voice told her to be at, she sat in Veronica's s car yeah, she had to borrow her best friend's car it was way too far to walk. The idea of going in there alone scared her so much what was she going to do if they had weapons?, she was in so much danger. But she could not just leave Marcus in there on his own it would not be right and even the thought of leaving was not on her mind she would face this asshole who kidnapped Marcus. Taylor see's the factory that the guy mentioned. She was walking slowly to it, sweat beaded on her forehead she was so terrified, she could not breathe if she made one wrong move Marcus could die are she could die, she needed to be vigilant.

Before she was even close to the factory door it opens with a creak and she see's a shadow of a guy in the door frame. He motions for her to follow him; he leads her in further into a big room and she see's Marcus in a chair tied up and tuck tape around his mouth. She is on her way to release him from the ties when the guy grabs her waist and pulls her back "let me go" she screams she needed to get to Marcus. The guy's hold tightens she cannot get out of his hold. He speaks "so Taylor this is your new boyfriend I'm much better than him." wait what is he talking about? I look around and I stare right into the face of Peter what the hell!

"Peter what the hell are you doing, what is this?." Marcus moves his head he was waking up they must have knocked him out he looks straight at me with surprise and shock written on his face he tries to pull against the ties, but they won't budge. Peters laughs "great Marcus you didn't tell her did you?, this is perfect maybe I should tell her" "what are you talking about?" I scream. Marcus shakes his head and gives Peter a warning stare. I say "someone better tell me what's going on here, or Im calling the police" I pull my phone out of my pocket but Peter takes it out of my hand and throws it to the ground and stamps on it. "What hell is wrong with you Peter?", "the same thing that's wrong with your new boyfriend over there, I'm guessing he never told you."

"Would you let go of me" I demand "now why would I do that so you can go and rescue him" he points at Marcus. "This isn't even about Marcus this is about you and your farther", "what are you talking about Peter you know my father died in a car accident when I was 10". "Your farther is alive he faked his death to get away from some dangerous people. I knew you would come and save Marcus this was all bate to get you here now Im going to use you as bate so your farther will show up and well you don't need know the rest" he says with a sinister laugh. This is crazy that can't be right my farther can't be alive it's impossible Peter is crazy.

Marcus pulls at his ties and they finally rip apart wow he is strong and removes the tuck tape from his mouth. "let her go!" he shouts at Peter and lunges at him and knocks him to the ground "run Taylor run" he shouts at me. I give him a look ,"I'm not going to leave you" with a frustrated sound he makes he grabs my arm and pulls me to the entrance and we run and run until were out of sight of the factory. When there are no signs of Peter following us, we walk and end up at the diner and Marcus's motorbike is there. He makes his way to it and motions me to follow. "Marcus Im not getting on that bike with you what is happening?" "I will tell you everything once were out of plain sight I got a place that is safe with security installed you can't go home they will be waiting for you" "I'm so confused what are you talking about who will be waiting for me are you in a gang what does Peter have to do with this?"

"I guess you could call it a gang", "would you just tell me what is going on, why are these people after me and what does my dad have to do with it?." "Your dad hired me too keep an eye on you Im supposed to be your bodyguard because he knew this would happen there is some bad people looking for your farther." "wait so my farther is alive so you weren't just some guy I met a party,You followed me to that party, didn't you?" "yes, there's so much that you don't know about me and your father, but you will find out soon I promise now just get on the bike please for your own safety." I get on the bike and wrap my arms around his waist ,I've never been on a motorbike before I can't believe Marcus is my bodyguard so what that whole date was fake so he could be close to guard me? I don't know how to ask him so I keep my mouth shut. He starts the engine and the bike moves so fast that I tighten my arms around his waist and lean in closer his stomach tightens When I lean closer. After what feels like ever, we arrive at an apartment block we get off the bike and Marcus leads me to the entrance he presses in a code into a little box and the door opens we walk into an elevator. "I'm at the top floor" he says.

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