chapter 11-Why are you here?

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"Marcus what the hell are you doing here?" I practically shout as I watch Marcus make his way in through Veronica's window.

He sure does have a thing for climbing windows.

He looks up then and spots both us standing there, his eyes widen and he mouths "oh shit" before he loses his balance and falls onto Veronica's bedroom floor.

Serves him right.

I stare at him waiting for an answer he gets up and walks over to us "you must be Veronica" he says as he looks at her and reaches out his hand to shake hers.

Great so he's going to act like the nice mannerable guy seriously!

Veronica looks at him carefully studying him.

She does this with everyone she meets, she says she has got this intuition are something.

She can suss out a good vibe or a bad vibe.

She smiles at him which makes me believe she's gotten a good vibe of him.

"Yes I am and you must be Marcus the vampire" she says earning me a stern look from Marcus, like I wasn't suppose to tell my best friend that information.

Marcus opens his mouth to say something but I get there first.

"For the last time Marcus what are you doing here!?" I demand not breaking my stare from him.

He looks at me his jaw clenches and he says in a deep voice.

"Your the one questioning me Taylor, you're the one who ran off I'm suppose to protect you damn it" In a stern voice as he narrows his eyes at me.

"Really you're angry at me you just broke into Veronica's house" I say pissed at him and his audacity.

I think for a minute how did he know I was here? "Wait did you follow me here?" I ask as I cross my arms against my chest his gaze follows that movement.

Why are guys such pigs? he returns his gaze to my eyes as I gave him the death stare.

"Yes he says of course I followed you, there is some dangerous people after you ,you know that why would you put yourself in danger?"

I look at him to gauge his reaction he does look genuinely upset. I guess I shouldn't of ran off.

"You lied to me Marcus you made me think you didn't know my mother why?"

"Me and your mum have history" I look at him in disgust.

"Please tell me you and my mum didn't...." I say but he stops me off "What no not that history that never happened but we have a history longer than you think because your mum is a vampire too."

I just stand there shocked, "you just love surprising me don't you Marcus?" I say sarcastically.

I laugh at how ridiculous this sounds it can't be true no way, "what are you going to say now that my mum isn't my real mum?" I say as a joke but he looks stricken and my laughter falls away.

"Well Taylor I was going to tell you..." is stop him by putting my hand up.

"Lets just go down stairs and talk about this" I say sick of running.

All three of us make are way down the stairs.

Neither one of us speaks until were sitting in the living room, that's when Marcus tells me everything this time that my biological mother is human and living in Georgia not that far way from where I live.

Apparently my non biological mother took me in when my actual mother didn't want a half vampire for a daughter.

How could she do that?, my actual mother give me up I know she must of been scared in those circumstances I would to but giving up your own daughter that's harsh.

I look at Marcus as he's finished talking "why did you not tell me before?" I question.

"It wasn't my place to say but your mum wanted you to know" I just stare into space and zone everything out. My mum can I even call he that?

I know Marcus is talking as I see his lips moving but I don't here a sound ."That's why I think I should go to school with you" he finishes I look at him with complete and utter confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Veronica answers my question.

"Marcus was talking about enrolling in school as a student so he can be close to you to protect you"

"That's ridiculous no thats not happening you can't come to school with me Marcus I'll be fine there's teacher's there and students no vampires are going to even attempt an attack"

He looks at me with a stern look like he's not going to take no for an answer but what he doesn't realise i can be more stubborn. I get up from the chair.

Marcus makes a move to get up to follow me as I leave the chair.

"Marcus I need to go home alone" he looks up "but I'm you're bodyguard I cant leave you on your own" "yes you can I'll be fine I now know my mum is a vampire I will be completely safe."

He walks up to me and I think he's going to fight my descion but he places his warm hand on my arm and looks me right in the eyes god he has beautiful eyes.

"Be carful Taylor" his penetrating gaze is so strong I don't want to look away but I have to"

"Bye Marcus" as a place a kiss on his warm cheek and wave goodbye to Veronica and open the front door. And make my way home to the person I thought was my mother.

That's chapter 11 I hope you like it, don't forget to vote and comment thanks for reading xoxo

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