chapter 6- Run

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"Plan?" I ask Marcus wondering how were going to get out this apartment without getting shot.

"Stay here" Marcus demands, knowing that he knows best well he is the bodyguard I stay put I nod letting him know I understand.

Marcus is about to confront who ever is here but a door slams open which sounds like the apartment door. He rushes back and says so quickly.

"We need to get out of here, their here!"

I see the serious look on his face, he grabs my hand and leads me to the window.

He opens it and says "There's a staircase leading down to the street we could get out unnoticed" I take his hand as he helps me climb out the window.

we hurry down the staircase almost tripping but thankfully not, Marcus motions me to follow him to his motorbike which is a few feet away in the parking lot.

we make are way to it, he hands me a spare helmet that was sitting in the back of the motorbike.

I follow his actions I get on the motorbike not wanting to know what would happen if I didn't. Like Marcus said these people are dangerous.

He starts the engine as I hold on to him for dear life, being in this position with my arms wrapped around his waist nothing can help me stop thinking of how intimate this is.

He wanted this to be professional and I'm touching him, but it's just a motorbike ride he's probably thinking nothing of it like he said he's just my bodyguard but a really hot one at that.

I question where were going he doesn't say anything that's when I realise,

Where parked outside my house , I haven't been here in two weeks. I miss my bedroom so much but Marcus said it wasn't save to come back here so why has he stopped here.

"Why are we here Marcus?" I question him

I checked the parking garage and didn't see my mum's car there so she must still be at work, that's a good thing because if she saw me coming home on a strange guy's motorcycle. I would most likely be grounded.

We both get off the motorcycle well Marcus gets off quite easy but me I almost trip over my own feet like the clumsy girl I am.

Marcus lifts me off the motorcycle instead and the feel of his hands on my waist is unbelievable.

A small voice in my head was telling me not to have these thoughts and feelings but another was saying you want him you can have these feelings if you want.

I didn't know what voice to listen to, he sets me down on the footpath but never lets go of my waist infact he pulls me closer until I'm flushed against his chest.

Which is a total surprise to me and catches me off guard I almost stumble forward but he catches me. He runs his hand from my waist up my back and that one movement sends shivers down my back what is he doing?

His hand runs further up my back until it reaches my neck, he slowly glides his finger down the base of my neck sending goosepumbs all over me.

He then places his thumb and forefinger under my chin tilting my head upwards until I am looking into his ocean blue eyes.

His gaze so penetrating I couldn't look away, his gaze then sets on my lips. Knowing what's going to happen next I close my eyes and next thing I feel is his hot lips against mine.

His teeth graze my bottom lip and playfully bites it, that feelings sends a flutter below my stomach. And I can't help my self when I lean in closer and place my hand on the back of his head and pull him closer if that's even possible with how closer we already are.

His hand moves to the bottom of my waist and tightens holding me formally as if I might float away.

His tongue touches mine and we make out and I can say with absolute certainty that it's the best kiss of my life.

He breaks the kiss and I miss the feel of his lips but I'm welcomed by his warm lips on my neck as he trails hot kisses down to my shoulder.

A sharp pleasurable pain takes me by surprise as he softly bites my neck. And if we weren't in the street im betting Marcus would of done a lot more than that.

I groan as he bites my earlobe the pleasure almost to much to bare, loving the feeling I plea with him "don't stop"

He stops what he is doing and releases me from his hold " I think we should stop we can't get carried away their still after you"

That's when Marcus stiffens and his gaze is fixed behind me "what is it?" I say wondering what has caught his attention all of a sudden.

Fearing that my mum has comeback early and seen me and Marcus in a intimate embrace I turn around but what I see is not my mum but a blonde girl wearing a black mid length dress.

Here gaze is on Marcus but then she see's me and I can't even describe the look of disdain in her eyes like she wanted to kill me.

The way Marcus was looking at her it seemed like he knew her maybe a ex girlfriend by the way she's sizing me up defiantly an ex girlfriend.

I honestly don't know why she is intimated by me she so much beautiful than I'll ever be with her honey blonde hair and flawless face and really dark blue eyes that are looking more menacing by the minute.

She takes a step forward, but out of nowhere she's right beside me how did she move that fast it's impossible.

"so this is your new girlfriend Marcus I wouldn't say she's prettier than me" she says in bitter way as she looks at Marcus not acknowledging me.

"Leave her alone Caroline?" Marcus orders the girl which I now know her name is Caroline.

" Why Marcus I don't think your in the position to give me orders" she says.

She returns her attention to me "you know me and Marcus have been together for centuries and I swore along time ago that he would always be mine"

"What do you mean centuries?" I demand wanting to know what the hell she is talking about.

"Oh Marcus you didn't tell her, bad boy well my dear he's a vampire and so am I"

I laugh because it's ridiculous vampires aren't real " your kidding right?" I say as I look at both of them. "Vampires aren't real" I say thinking this women is crazy.

"Is this real enough for you" Caroline says as she bares her teeth to me and two massive canines appear. then her eyes turn blood red.

I stumble back in surprise and blackness envelopes as everything goes dark.....

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