chapter 3 -The date

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A few hours later and I was still thinking about that dream it was engraved into my mind, every touch the feel of his breath on my skin, the hot kisses. The feelings I felt, the pleasure he gave me. The way he looked at me like I was all he wanted, the desire I saw in his eyes for me. I memorised every bit of that dream. And not because it was a sex dream it was much more than that it was intimate, I loved him, and he showed me how much he loved me. I never thought you could have a dream like that before, but I guess with the right person it could happen. But it was just a dream I needed to remind myself that those feelings were not real he is not feeling that right now. He might never be like how he was in the dream because a dream is a dream that is that!

A dream is a wish you desire and to put it plainly I desire him. It's 5pm and Veronica said she was coming over to help me with getting ready. She wants to do a makeover and I agreed because I want to look good for Marcus I want him to desire me. I hope she doesn't go to far and put tons of makeup on me I don't want to look like a clown no offense to Veronica but she can go overboard sometimes. Finally, she arrives with a big case which I am guessing is containing all the makeup and hair products. Good luck to me. Veronica gets to work I feel like I'm in that chair for so long when she says she's done I look in the mirror and gasp "oh Veronica I love it ,you did an amazing job" "thanks but it's all you I'm just enhancing your natural beauty" I smile at her "Marcus isn't going to know what hit him" she says. After I dress, I stare at the full outfit and makeup together and I feel so pretty. "well I better go I'll full you in on how it goes bye." "have a great time" she says as she is making her way back to her car.

I start my walk to Corey's diner where we are supposed to meet it's not that far from my house, I am still nervous as hell. But those nerves are starting to turn into excitement. As I am two blocks away that's when I see a familiar face that I didn't expect I would see ever again. If it's not the person, I dislike the most, Peter. Why the hell do have to run into him?, he just ruined my positive vibe for my first date with Marcus. It's not fair that he still has control over my emotions even though were not together. Please don't let him recognise me! "Taylor is that you" he shouts from 5 feet away ,oh god so much for him not noticing me, no such luck. "hey peter" "what are you doing walking at night looking like that? like wow you look amazing." he says, I really don't want to reply to him but if I don't it's going to get awkward I'll go with the truth "I am actually going on a date tonight" "oh okay that's good," "yeah it is" and I say it with so much confidence. He does not intimidate me anymore I just realised I am over this jerk.

"Well I really got to get going" I say trying to get out of this conversation I hope he gets the message. "yeah your date right I wouldnt want to keep you" I take that as a goodbye and make my way to the diner. That was weird running into him like that I can't even remember the last time we spoke it was so long ago. At least he doesn't bother me maybe I can hangout at Veronica's place from now on because I do not mind him, I just feel indifferent. I arrive at the diner and open the door and look around the place, but I don't see Marcus anywhere maybe he is just a little late that is okay. I check to see if he sent me a text letting me know if he was going to be late but there was no message at all. I sit at a table facing the window and wait for him. I wait and wait and check my phone so many times I lost my count.

The waiter comes over a few times asking if I want to order but I always say I'm waiting on someone, he gives me a little sorry smile because he thinks I was stood up and now Im thinking that too but Marcus doesn't seem like the guy that would do that to a girl. Anyway, after an hour waiting are probably more, I leave the diner and make my way home so much for a great night. I decide to call him the line rings for a few seconds, then someone picks the phone up I hear a familiar voice "I'm guessing this is Taylor, your probably wondering where your date is. He is in a lot of trouble and if you don't come to this address, I'll put him out of his misery." Taylor could be confused but that voice sounded a lot like someone she really knows, Marcus is in trouble she needs to do something. Calm down Taylor do not panic the guy said he would be okay if she goes to some address. With a shaky voice Taylor asks the guy "what's the address?" her heart is beating so fast if she loses Marcus it would kill her but she doesn't really know him so why is she feeling so deeply for this guy.

She waits nervously for the guy to say the damn address finally he says "89 haldale road you will see a big factory come alone are you will never see him again" "don't hurt him I will be there alone" "you better be" says the voice he hangs up the phone. Taylor's hand with the phone is shaking she is so worried and scared but she needed to help Marcus she better just follow the orders that the voice said. She needed to get to Marcus.

Marcus POV

Marcus was on his way to his date with Taylor, he took his motorbike and was driving it to the diner he could not wait to see her. He arrived at the diner, removed his helmet and got off the bike and stashed his helmet in a case on the back of the bike. He was making his way to the diner from the parking lot when he sensed someone was behind him. That was one of tricks he had as a vampire his sense was heightened but he had other senses now he knows if someone was watching him are even thinking about him. Which was bad for Taylor as he knew every single thing that she thought about him in her mind. He knew about the dream she had of him to wow thinking back that dream was steamy. He could not believe what he was seeing when he saw It in his mind another nifty power, he had was quick reflexes and fast movement unnaturally fast.

He turned around just in time to defend himself from one of Caroline's clan I just hope she is not here because a lot of people would be in danger. He punched the guy in the face, but it did not faze him obviously he is a vampire to he could tolerate more pain than a human can tolerate. He was going to hit him again when he was ambushed from behind another vampire grabbed him and throw him into a van. Caroline is such a bitch has she not ruined my life enough? now she is kidnapping me what the hell is wrong with her. Caroline does not just do things she has plans but what are her plans for me if she were going to kill me then she would have done it two centuries ago.

I have been living for two centuries and what have I done? nothing Taylor was the only girl that I even liked since centuries. I never wanted to get someone caught up in his whole dark world because they would have ended up dead. Even though it was dangerous he had to be around this girl because he is her bodyguard but she doesn't know that. And another reason that he never got close to anyone was Caroline they had a thing centuries ago, but she still thinks she owns him just because she turned him, she always ruins his relationships. He remembers in 1860 40 years since he was turned, he broke it off with Caroline. He was at a gathering and girl came up to him and he saw the rage on Caroline's face she walked up to the women and ripped out her heart, like literally she killed a girl that was flirting with him. He couldn't even think what she would do if she know about Taylor he doesn't even know why he is risking this poor girls life just because of his own feelings and the fact he was assigned to be her protector but he was putting her in more danger by being with her.

He would never let Caroline anyway near Taylor, It would not be that hard to escape from these two idiots. You can clearly see that their new vampires probably only turned not so long ago. She obviously turned them herself because there so loyal to her she is using her sire powers so they will do anything for her because they believe she made them it's so stupid only weak vampire's can't fight the sire powers. He would be out of here in no time. He was smarter than these twits, he thought trying to believe that fact.

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