chapter 2-Shopping/Dream

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I wake up in the morning it's like 6am which is kind of weird for me because I never get up at that time. I don't even know why I woke up this early in the first place. I just had a strange feeling that someone was watching me, which is impossible because there is no one in my room. I must have been dreaming, you know those dreams you have that feel so real that you believe there real. Then I feel a cold breeze that gives me Goosebumps, I look over to my bedroom window and realize it's open which is really weird because I'm pretty sure I closed it last night before I went to bed, are maybe I just thought I did it's hard to keep my focus these days because I have my final exams and I've been stressing for weeks if I'm going to pass.

If I don't pass are if I don't get a good grade, then it is going to ruin my chances of getting into a good collage. These exams are basically going to determine my future it's hard not be stressed. Last night was the only time in weeks that I let loose and let that stress float away, I had an amazing time and I owe it all to Marcus he made feel pretty and wanted that's what every girl wants right? to be wanted. Today is Saturday which means no school, I should be jumping for joy and making plans to hang out with Veronica. So why am I still sitting on my bed wondering about my future?, there's nothing I can do the future is a mystery it surprises you and the only way to find out your future is to live in the present and live your life and stop worrying.

With that thought on my mind I get dressed and ready for a weekend of hanging with my friend. I call Veronica at 10am because I know she hates mornings as much as I do that is one thing we have in common. She picks up right away. "hey what's up?", "nothing I'm just wondering what we are doing today it's a Saturday, we have no school so what are we going to do?." "I was thinking we go shopping" Veronica reply's, she knows how much I hate shopping because she takes ages looking for the perfect dress and shoes and everything in between. I have never been the kind of girl that loves shopping, I just get what I need and that's me but most girl's love to take hours around shops trying to decide what to buy just like Veronica.

She loves shopping, you could even call her a shopaholic she will buy anything just for the thrill of shopping which Is totally not me. "Okay we will go shopping but don't take too long because I need to eat we can stop at a McDonalds drive in after" "yes I know you don't like shopping and were definitely getting McDonalds, I can't live without a big mac." Veronica then starts to ask about last night and about Marcus, she wants to know all the gory details, but I have nothing to tell because nothing happened. Well not nothing we were practically dirty dancing in front of everyone and he kissed me and that may be or may have not been the best kiss of my entire life.

After we end the call, I get a notification indicating that I have a message. I open the message and almost drop my phone when I see who sent it, it was Marcus. I read the message it says I know we only met but I would love to take you on a date. I read it over and over but it says the same thing he wants to date me but he's so much older than me, he looks like he's in his 20s so why would he want to date a girl like me? he could have any women he wants why me?. I don't know what to reply so I wait and wait until I can get the nerve to text him back. But instead I text Veronica and tell her what Marcus just texted me. As expected, Veronica tells me to go for it to go out with him.

I honestly don't know what to do, I do want to go out with him but I'm so nervous what if I do something embarrassing but I already kissed him so a date should be nothing right? Just two people that like each other romantically getting to know each other during a nice evening it could be great. Before I could change my mind, I reply to his text and say yes, I would love to go on a date with you I send it and wait nervously for his reply I don't have to wait long because he sends a message right after mine was sent saying great I'll text you with the date and details. Okay so I just arranged a date with this hot guy do not freak out Taylor, just chill.

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