chapter 9- I'm a what?

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I giggled nervously " ha-ha your kidding right?" I looked at him he didn't look amused his jaw was clenched the look he was giving me said everything, he wasn't joking.

The serious look on his face stopped me from laughing this was obvoisluey no joking matter, I just sat there staring at the ground, thoughts were circling in my head.

A half vampire what does that even mean? silence fell over the room I couldn't move ,I couldn't breathe I felt like my chest was tightening swallowing me up.

I clutched my chest I could feel my heart beating like a sledge hammer, I felt tears coming to my eyes please god don't let me cry in front of him.

My throat closed up tears ran down my eyes what is happening to me?

"Marcus I ca--nnt bre--athe" I say clutching my chest trying to make the pain go away I felt like I was having a heart attack but I am only 18 how could I have a heart attack at this age?

That thought disappeared from my mind.

Everything happened so fast first I was sitting on my desk chair and the next thing I knew I was in Marcus's arms as he cradled me to my bed and set me down.

"How di--d y--ou do th--at" I croak out.

"Vampire remember I can move really fast, I can do a lot of other things fast to" he says as he winks and shows that charming smile.

"Are you re--ally flirting with me?" I say out of breath as my heart won't slow down, the palpitations I could feel through my chest.

"Sweetheart your having a panic attack I'm trying to get your mind of it just focus on me Taylor I'm right here I'm not going anywhere" he says as he looks into my eyes his intense gaze grounding me to reality there was something I saw in his eyes.

Something I couldn't quite describe, the way he looked at me like I was his whole world and he wouldn't let me slip away.

Being his arms felt so safe like home somehow like nothing could hurt me.

I leaned into his chest and wrapped my arms around him as I felt his strong masculine arms wrap around my waist holding me in place, I felt my rapid heartbeat go steady and my breathing went back to normal.

It was like him being here helped me somehow knowing he wasn't going anywhere he brought me out of my panic attack and back down to earth.

"Hey are you okay?" he said in a gentle voice as he looked me in the eyes.

I smiled at him "yes"I put my palm to his cheek to caress he looked at me with eyes that I can only describe as vulnerability.

He leaned into my palm and placed his over mine, I revelled in the warmth of his palm against mine. He took my hand then and placed it near his lips, as he kissed my hand while not breaking his gaze into my eyes it was so intimate I have never felt that before.

I felt so close two this man in such a short time that we have met I have felt more for him in these past two weeks than I had felt for peter in the year that we had been together.

I know what your thinking a year how did I last that long with that complete jerk?,I honestly don't know what to tell you.

But being here right now with Marcus I wouldn't give that up for the world.

"You're starting to act like a gentlemen, kissing my hand what is this the 18th century?" I joke.

He smiles "for your information sweetheart im actually from that century I was turned into a vampire in 1820"

I stare at him like a deer caught in the heads lights, "um how old are you exactly?" I say shocked at what just came out of his lips.

"Well sweetheart I'm definitely older than you so I could teach you a few things since I have experience" he says with that signature smirk of his.

I lightly smack him on his chest "Hey I do have experience not that's its any of your business"

He holds my hand to his chest his strong hand holding mine in place.

I could feel his hard warm pecs through his t-shirt.

He leans in closer and whispers "trust me I know a lot more than that peter guy" as he places one warm kiss on my neck as he leans back and gives me that cocky smile.

"You never answered my question how old are you? and don't start with the sweetheart and the flirting" I say wanting to know.

"Well in vampire years I'm over 200 years old" he says staring at me waiting for my reaction.

I stare at him shocked wow so I'm in love with a 200 year old vampire how did this even happen?

I open my mouth to say something but then I hear the front door close and that sound kills what ever I was going to say.

"That's my mum" I say as look at Marcus waiting for him to leave before my mum see's him he just stays were he is not bothered that my mum is down stairs.

"I mean what I said I'm staying I'm your bodyguard after all I will tell your mum she'll understand just stay here okay"

I look at him like he's crazy if my mum see's a stranger walking down the stairs coming from her daughters bedroom she'll kill him thinking he's has broke in before I change my mind I get up.

"No I'll come with it will sound better if I'm here"

"Okay" he says as we both walk out of my room and take the stairs as slow as we can trying out stretch out this discussion that were going to have with my mother.

"Honey is that you?" my mum says as she hears the stairs creaking.

Me and Marcus make are way into the kitchen were my mum is putting away the groceries she just bought she turns around and see's me she smiles then her gaze looks to the guy beside me her smile filters.

She looks at him like she knows him her eyes narrow then suddenly she practically shouts "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"

Thats chapter 9 i hope you like it comment your feedback and vote if you like it thanks xoxo

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