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A subtle hint of trouble tainted the air of Dark View. Unlike the other places she has stayed this one took the cake. Uneasiness was setting in and she did not like it. Dark view held more than what met the eye. She had a feeling she would find out what it was sooner rather than later here.

She was ceartain she did not like being here. Dark view itself got under her skin in ways she could not understand. If she left right now she could disappear somewhere before Garvey and Layla could get a chance to track her down. This place made her feel things that were abnormal.

The people here. That boy. They were too much. He was too much. How could one encounter leave her so rattled? The way it felt when he grabbed onto her arm that day. Like one billion joules of electricity was running through her. Something like that should have hurt. Except it did not.

Instead it felt good. Like a blanket of peace and warmth in an ongoing war with her body, mind and skin. How did he do that? The way his eyes were stuck on her like she was the only thing in existence to him right then and there. The way she wanted more as she walked away. It made her angry.

After an early morning run to clear her head she got ready and left for school. Layla was still strolling around in her jammies and she lost all patience in waiting. Today she would return to school and try once more to have a normal day. Getting suspended was the only way to escape moron high school and him.

"Keep that up and you'll walk right into me, again."

Was destiny serious? Why him of all people? She looked at him with narrowed eyes. Did he feel any of what she had felt too? Did he want more like she did? She could feel a slight tingle in the air. He did not seem fazed. Was it just her?

"How about you stop getting in my way."

He smirks. "No. I don't think I wanna do that."


She rolls her eyes stepping around him. Making her way to homeroom and sure enough mr brick wall follows her. Maybe if  she knocked some of his teeth loose he would get the message. With the room being empty she had the perfect oppertunity.

"What is your problem?"

She snaps after a few minutes of silence. He does not answer. Instead he closes the distance between them. The near proximity has the space between them buzzing even more with electricity. A firery look glazes over his eyes as he stares into hers. She liked it and despite her feelings a few minutes ago she wanted him to move closer. To feel the pulsing electricity all over her body from his touch once more.

"You are."

A spark rippled through her. He had to be feeling this too. She opened her mouth but swallowed her words as his lips came crashing down on hers.

There was no electricity this time. No. This time, what erupted was a fire. The more it burned they more they wanted. The more They needed. His arms snaked around her and he pulled her as close as he could. Unaware that her hands did the same. 

One thing they both noted was the absence of pain. The stomach twisting, the pained chills and swirling uneasiness. It was all gone. Her lips were soft and warm as they touched it gave the most filling sensation of his life. Tabbia caught in the moment forgot to worry about the way this one guy could moved her like no one ever has.

They pull apart. Breathless. Mesmorised. Lips tingling with the lingering sensation of fire, warmth and hunger.

The first period bell rings. He reaches for her but she takes a step back. If he touched her again. Whatever that was, she was sure she would never want it to stop again. He gives a knowing smirk, bows and exits the room.

Tabbia blinks and sits down. What the hell just happened? Though she knew what happened. That boy got into her head again. Stirring up all sorts of alien feelings and behaviour. That cocky boy just stole her first kiss.

A kiss she never thought she could have. Guys were never comfortable people to be around. Whenever they tried to hit on her she would be overcome with pain and discomfort. How did this one make the cut? Or was she suddenly over that obstacle now?

She did not see him for the rest of the day though a sudden spark here or there indicated that he was near. Was this always going to happen now? Could he feel when she was near too? Did he want to? Why him? Why here? Why now?

Dark View had brought on an onslaught of questions she could neither understand or answer. What was wrong with this place?

"Lost beautiful?"

She looks at the owner of the voice. Tall, dark hair. Very good looking. An idea goes off in her head.

"That depends. Are you a map?"

"Babe, i'll be your personal gps lemme take you where you need to go."

"How about chemistry, between you and me?"

He smiles and steps closer to her. The electric air disappates. Strike one. He reaches out and tucks some hair behind her ear. Her stomach churns. Strike two.

"You're like an angel." He sighs. "Too precious for my lifestlye.. but damn."

Anger burns at the back of her mind as she thinks about planting a kiss on him. Although the result was not going to change. Anymore advances and the pain would become intense and she would definitley strike him to get away.

"You might be wrong."

"I only have playthings and flings."

"Watch it trick!"

Someone shoved her and failed to knock her into the wall. Guess Dark View did have morons after all. She grabbed onto her assailant twisting her arm behind her back and the shreiking that followed calmed her fraying nerves.

"You saying something to me?"

"What the hell let go! Let go! Let gooo!"

"I don't think so, trick."

"Trick you're the one trying it with my man!"

She looked at the guy who looked rather amazed and not at all bothered that his girlfriend was about to get her arm broken.

"This one sounds like a plaything."

She pushes the girl towards him and leaves. A fight might help her cool off her growing frustration. But these kids were not it. They would break too easy. How layla has not killed anyone as yet was a mystery.

"Cuz, did you just break that girl's arm?"

Speak of the devil. "She's fine."

"Restraint, that's a first."

"I hate this place."

Layla laughs. "I second that."


Maybe darkview air is not so bad after all



Thank you for reading

Mwah luvs

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