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"You have disgraced me, Tristan."

Thorne was standing by the window watching the creatures of the night move through the wind and trees. Tristan had woken after three days. To say the pack was in an uproar about what had happened was an understatement. They wanted Tristan's head on a platter. It was not easy trying to convince them otherwise. As alpha his word was final. No one was to deal with Tristan beside him.

"You are the son of an Alpha. Not just any wolf. Yet you let that pack of runts capture and defeat you. All to spite me."

With his memory being so unclear it was hard to tell what his father was talking about. There was no way he would ever lose a fight. Something big must of happened. He must have been to high to recall.

"Not everything is about you dad."

"Then what was it about? Enlighten me."

"I'm alright by the way."

Thorne growled. "I've had to scare the pack doctor's into making sure you were alright, Tristan don't patronize me."

Tristan sighed. "You wouldn't understand."

"And you know that how?"

Tristan stayed quiet. His head hurt too much to start an argument. He would rather go back to sleep than deal with anything right now.  He was Tired and everything hurt.

Thorne sighed and rubbed his face. "In fifteen minutes after you have cleaned up and dressed in proper formal attire, you will come down to the pack dining hall and make a very important announcement."

"Which is?"

"You will be asking for Chloe Valdez's hand in marriage."

"Are you out of your mind?" Tristan shot up. "I'm not doing that."

"I am not asking you to. Your union to Chloe will increase the alpha and pack strength since you are both of alpha origin."

"I'm not doing it."

"Refuse to accept and you will no longer be eligible for the Alpha title, furthermore you will be banished from this pack."

His fists clenched maybe he could muster up enough strength to knock some sense into his father. Where was all this marriage nonsense coming from? This was crossing an unwanted line. He had to be joking.

"Are you kidding me, that's not fair dad."

Thorne turned to face him. His eyes blazed red and he looked like he was about to explode into a murderous rampage.

"Fair!" He boomed. "What's not fair is the fact that I always have to clean up after my sloppy son keeping his ungrateful ass out of trouble. How many times have you gotten into a fight? How many times have I had to bail you out of jail and save you from prison? Pay people to look the other way for your disgraceful slip-ups!"

Tristan stayed quiet. A little shocked that his father had been keeping close watch over him. Then again he was the alpha, he did not have much of a choice. He had to look after all his pack members, slackers included.

"Crossing Hunter's territory was a foolish thing to do and it will be the last time you will ever do something so basic and mindless."

"So is marrying Chloe." He snapped.

"I don't care, Tristan! I will not let you lead this pack into the ground."

"She's not my mate."

"No, she is not, but you will treat her as though she is."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"You brought this upon yourself. I will not let you destroy your life or this pack. Your Carefree bullshit, the disobedience it ends today."

"Banish me. I'm not doing it."

"You will get dressed in fifteen minutes then you will Join us downstairs and ask Chloe to take your hand in marriage the moment you lay your eyes on her. You will tell her that your life is incomplete without her, get down on your knees, and present her with that ring. And you will do it like your life depends on it." Thorne left the room afterwards.

"I hate you."

It was not loud but he knew Thorne would have heard it. He did do a lot of dumb things in his life but was that warrant enough for him to be alpha ordered to marry Chloe? Was he going to be alpha ordered whenever he refused to listen to his father from now on? Was that man his father?

Fifteen minutes had passed and Tristan was downstairs refreshed and neatly dressed.

There seemed to be a dinner party of sorts going on. Tristan moved through the pack members with one task on his mind. Find Chloe. He had to find her. His life depended on it. All because of that stupid order. His future as pack leader was also in her hands. What was so special about her that he had to be forced to propose to her or be banished? What kind of father gives such a heartless alpha order? The kind that did not care to show up to witness his horrible actions. He was going to make his father regret ever doing this to him.

She was in the dining room standing near the doorway. He tried not to move. But it was senseless. There was no disobeying an Alpha's command. No werewolf could. Not even the one with the missing wolf. All Alpha's were granted the ability to use as they deemed necessary and for his father controlling his son's life was it.

Chloe spotted him and smiled at him. If it was not for the current situation he would have smiled back at her but he was about to do the most mortifying thing of his entire life.

"Hey..." She started. "So glad you're up..."

He took her hand and she gasped. He never touched any females not even her, that was his law. They felt wrong to touch. He felt a little churn in his stomach. If only he could stop himself. His father's power was too great to defy. 

"Chloe Valdez..."

Her eyes, along with the eyes of everyone else in the room were now on him. He closed his eyes trying one last time to break his father's command. He fell to a knee in defeat. Everyone gasped. His body ached to disobey but his father's power was too strong there was no stopping this right now.

"I am incomplete without you." He took out the ring. "And if you'll have me, will you be my wife?"


Dum dum, da dum, dum dum, da dum.....

What will she say?

Tristan's getting in some deep ish now.

How will he get out of it? Thorne all but Alpha ordered him to do it and at this point, it's safe to say Thorne won't hesitate to alpha order Tristan to the alter.

What should Tristan do?

What's up with Thorne?

Sidenote: This was chapter four when I first began writing Addicted.



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