"You alright, Tristan?"

He looked at Chloe, concern ever-present in her eyes. She worried too much too often. Like a dotting sister. She would stare at him with her shiny brown eyes and bug him until he said something to get her to back off. It was just a little too much sometimes.

"I'm fine."

"Heard about the other day. Why didn't you tell me?" She questioned.

"I'm fine, Chloe." He grumbled.

"That's not the point." She huffed. "I could have been there to help you."

"Well, it's already passed. Can you move on?"

She sighs."I'm gonna grab some lunch?" She pushes off her seat. "I'll bring yours."

He nodded as she headed over to the lunch line. His thoughts had been in a distant place since he made the revalation of his mate being alive to his father. The conversation went in a different direction than planned but he should have expected it with his father being so closed minded all the time.

The story he was told of losing his mate rolled around his mind with various plot holes. They said the being he was destined to give his heart to was dead. She was killed by some unknown force. Whatever it was reached him and pulled at him almost claiming his life in the process. He lost his wolf. Unable to be a true werewolf for the rest of his life. There was no memory of the ordeal. When it happened he was found unconcious and alone in the forest.

To lose a mate the way he did they would of had to met and connected on some level. Otherwise he would never have felt her. Did they cross paths that day then? If so what happened? Who took her?

The doctors and his father jumping to the conclusion that she died had to be the simplest reason they could come up with. They would not have to dig up a mystery or look for answers with his mate being dead.

It was not their life or their heart on the line. They might have also believed that was the outcome of what happened. Now he knew that it was not. She was alive and out there in the world.

"The mind holds many a secret. Memories lost. Memories lie. Memories capture the essence of the eye."

"You show up with peculiar timming."

"My specialty. My those shoulders are looking mighty heavy."

"It's her isn't it. The girl in my visions."

"Does she call to you, Does she cry into nigh, for her pain is not hers, as your pain is not yours. Time takes its toll, pain stakes its hold, each searching for a hand to hold."

Karyn being cryptic had to be the result of her being stuck in ghost form. She never gave straightforward answers."

"So i'm not crazy."

"You are something. One day you to shall know."

"Why don't you come out in human form?"

"The world isn't ready for me." She grinned then dissappeared.

Karyn was a mystic otherworldy being, or so she put it. Tristan had opted for ghost. However she was a witch trapped in a lost cave. She had wandered from her body and was unable to locate it when she tried to return. She only show's herself to Tristan incase who ever hid her cave decides to harm her body. Tristan beleived she just like following and haunting people as if she was a ghost. Their home was peaceful and lacked the kind of danger she was always warning him about.

Someone walked up to the table. By the way his skin crawled he could tell it was a female. This was not going to go well.

"Heyyy, Tristan." Thea smiled at him. "How's it going, handsome."

"Hey, Thea." He forced a smile, feeling a wave of discomfort. Thea was one of the most attractive girls around. The prettier they were the more uncomfortable he would become.

"The pre-gala dance is coming up. Would it be cool if we were dates?"

The discomfort grew to disgust which was urging him to say no. That was the thing about girls trying to get close to him or flirt with him. It always made him feel sick. No matter what or who. He could not get physical with a female without pain and discomfort. No matter how pretty, smart or nice they were. It was always the same. Like he was mated and the bond was pulling him away from other females. Almost as if she could not stand any females being near him.

"Can't." He stated.

Thea frowned. "Why not?"

"Chloe, is my girlfriend."

Her eyes widened as her cheeks burned. "Oh, I'm so sorry, gosh, I feel stupid. Forget I even asked."

She sped away as Chloe returned giving, him a pointed look.

"You have got to stop telling people I'm your girlfriend."

He smiled. "But we look, so good together." He shoved some fries into his mouth.

"Just be careful it doesn't come back to bite you." She grinned.

"Babe, you're a catch I'd take that bite." He winked as she blushed.

It was not that he could stand Chloe. His heart and brain had accepted her as his sister, therefore, she was the only one that was not as toxic to him. Which in all aspects was odd but, he never really questioned it. And since he could not be with other girls calling his best friend Chloe, his girlfriend was the nicest way he could turn them down.


He just smirked at her. They fall into a comfortable silence as he drifts back to Karyn's odd poem about memories. Was it that his lost memories were replaced with a lie? Was he crazy to beleive his mate was currently alive and acting like a suicidal maniac? If so, it rang a lot of questions about her and her life.

Why did she despise living so much? Why couldn't she stand being in her skin? Why those feelings? What kind of life was she living to begin feeling that way?


Uhhh no comment.. lol. We shall see where this goes.


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