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"There where a few fights this week. Were you involved?"

Tristan rolled his eyes. There was a reason he left home so early on mornings. Prison guard Thorne had no intention of easing up on him ever again. He collected reports and details down to the last millesecond on all his actions and whereabouts. Yet he resorted to these stupid interrogations.

"You know the answer."

"You will answer me."

Tristan sighed. "No."


Tristan crossed his arms. "That's what I said."

"Hmm, how are things with Chloe?"

"If it weren't for you there would be no things with Chloe."

Thorne gave him a pointed look. "Your resistance is pointless."

"I liked it better when I was in the woods."

"You two need to start spending time together."

"What for?"

"These females you keep talking to, what is their purpose. Don't lie. Some of them you even touch."

"Why don't you alpha order it out of me."

"You have to understand, you are an alpha. Your life is not to be wasted on frivolous things like others choose to."

Tristan you can't do this. Tristan you can't do that. You are meant for this. You are meant for that. When would it end? He was hoping his father could feel his annoyance. "I need to go, i'll be late for my class."

Thorne dismissed him with a nod.

In all his seething and loathing he had failed to take much note of his surroundings. Thorne would have his head for this but at the moment school was not a threat. The girl he just bumped into however seemed to think otherwise.

"You blind or what asshole." She snapped jumping back to her feet.

This one was fiesty. "Errr sorry."

"Sorry? You almost knocked my shoulder out!"

"Send me the doctor bill."

"Oh, you got jokes. Won't be so funny when I take you down."

He chuckled. There was no way this girl knew who he was. "Scary, but I doubt that."

"Wanna bet?"

"No, now get out of my way. I'll be late for class."

The girl with no protest and nothing but rage in her eyes stepped aside. That was weird. He was not even enforcing his alpha side. She looked like she wanted to fight yet she just obeyed him. Girls were so weird or at least that one was.

Her touch was another thing. No it was not electric. But it was normal. Like it was with karyn. Why was that? Why was his father stooping so low and having others spy on him? And for crying out loud where was that girl he bumped into the other day? She just vanished.

"Hey, I was looking for you. Thought you needed a ride."

"I know how to get to school Chloe."

"Yeah but I thought we could ride together..."

"What for?"

"Yooww Fiiigggggttttt!"

Someone yelled from the hallway. The ten to twelve other students in class took off to get in a peice of the commotion. Tristan himself felt a growing interest towards what was happening.

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