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"This whole thing is a disaster. The humans are this close to crossing our borders." Beta Jace stressed pinching his fingers to demonstrate. At this point he would prefer going to war with an enemy pack.

"The young pups need to shift before they lose their minds." One warrior joined in. Causing his fellow warrior brothers to join in with their own two cents.

"It's true, keeping them cooped up like this is taking a heavy toll on them."

It has been two days since humans reported sightings of wolves and have been on the hunt scowering trinity forest. The risk of being seen right now was too great.

"I say we throw them a rouge. They'll never know the difference."

"They are out for blood, who's to say they'll stop at one."

Henson Valdez stood up. His smirk widening as all the attention shifted toward him. He had long foreseen a crisis like this taking place. Humans finding out about them was always inevitable and, Thorne would be shit clueless with no idea how to fix the mess. Though it was a little girl, that was all it would take.

Humans did not like it when their little ones got hurt, nor did they like anything different. His fellow pack members would work themselves into a frenzy because their coward of an alpha would not know what to do. It was only then he would step into the spotlight unveiling his plan of action.

"The humans will be on the hunt for us. I say let them come, better yet let us strike them before they can."

The beta shook his head. "Your grand idea is to start a war?" He shot. "Are you even listening to yourself?"

"Why must we hideout in the shadows and wait to be killed off because a child of all things cried wolf?"

"Why are you so bloodthirsty?" Jace snapped. "They have weapons and armies of mass destruction. Things are not like before when we could raid villages and come home to our daily lives."

Henson shook his head. "We have strength, we have skill, we have power, we have numbers. Don't let your fear misguide your brothers, we can defeat them all."

"Is there need for this?"

"It is a necessary precaution."

Alpha Bale, sat listening as his pack guard worked themselves into a frenzy over a fictional war. His most trusted advisors and generals were all acting stupid because a little girl said a wolf bit her. No-one stopped to question why the little girl was so deep in the woods by herself. Or that the child was telling lies. No, running around like headless chickens seemed like the better option.

Neither of their unaccounted pack members, including his son, were found with a drop or scent of blood on them. The Crimson pack wolves did not venture into his territory so it would be foolish to assume his rivals were behind this. their alpha, Hunter Black was more forward when he wanted to fight. None of his pack members could lie to him so the fault was not on the wolves.

"Silence." He boomed. "You're all going on like babbling fools. What the hell do you want to go to war for?"

"I apologize for the forwardness alpha, but we need to fix this before it gets out of hand," Jace answered.

Thorne growled. "And starting a war will fix things?"

"Eventually the humans will catch wind of us. Better we have a plan now than having them catch us off guard." Henson spoke.

"Say you get your way and expose us to the humans, you think they will stop at one war? Are you prepared to fight every day afterwards to keep your children safe from the fall back of war due to your stupidity?" He looked at the rest of them. "Are all of you prepared to live your lives on the run? Or prepared to turn our children into soldiers?"

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