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Six months later...

It had been months since he last had a drink. Gotten a rush from a high. Smashed his fists into another nose. Seen anyone with a different face than his. Six months since the Alpha Thorne Bale took over his life. Made him propose to Chloe Valdez. Made him give up his entire life. Stripped of his chaotic freedom and tossed into a disciplined routine where he could no longer run from his pain. For six months he had to face his demons head on. 

The unreliable hothead of a son had been shaped into the future alpha he was meant to be. Today he was the embodiment of discipline. His mind body and soul were sharper for the better. His temptations a thing of the past and his father's will was his preset future.

Thorne, now satisfied with Tristan's new and improved results decided to end his son's torturous solitude. And of course on his first day back he had to return to school and Chloe. One more thing he wished his father would have ended. He had learned his lesson. Why did she still have to be a part of it?

"You haven't missed much around here. Ohh we have a new place where we like to hang out before heading back to grounds. You'll like it there." She beamed.

He would rather go where he could be alone. Or at least away from her. It did not seem to bother her when he played off her trying to kiss him. Or how quickly he ended their hug. She just smiled it off and dove into a monologue updating him on the last six months as if he cared to know. It was not as if Thorne was updating the pack or her on what he had been going through.

"Well, well, well, who is this yummy treat?"

A familiar voice asked. A playful smile on her face as she looked at both of them. Tristan's eyes widened as she gave him a playful wink.

"Ohh right, this is Tristan, remember. I told you  about him, he's back now."

"Ohhh, all your yapping on and on about him didn't do much justice."

"Careful Ryn."

She ignored Chloe and held her hand out towards him.

"Oh he doesn't like to touch...."

Chloe's words faded as Tristan took hold of  Ryn's hand and shook it. He even smiled. Who was this person and what did he do with the real Tristan?

"Pleasure to finally be introdued to you. I'm Ryn"

Tristan stunned than karyn was no longer in ghost form could not say much with Chloe standing right there. "Ryn, Pleasure indeed."

"Anyways we are late for class."

"See you around."

Guess he was not the only one who changed. Seeing Karyn be able to live was a very comforting joy.

"She's nuts but don't worry, I know how to handle her."

"Leave her be."

"What do you mean? She was being disrespectful on purpose." Chloe huffed.

"Leave her be."

"You don't know what she is like. Okay. You just got here. I have been keeping everything in place and everyone in line around here. You are..."

"Enough Chloe, the only one being disrespectful is you."

He turned to walk away but bumped into someone and with him being built like a wall the offender fell backwards. He grabbed onto her hand which caused a jolt of electricity to shoot up his arm. He pulled away and the both of them fell backwards. What was that?

He looked at her and to his surprise she was looking right back at him. Looking just as stunned. Never has it ever felt pleasurable touching a female.

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