It had been a week since, Tristan's last attack. The conversation Thorne was having with his son had been interrupted by a call from border patrol about rogues on their lands. It had been alpha business since then. He hated that his son had to suffer like this but giving him that kind of hope about his mate was not helpful to Tristan in any way. He needed to get his head on straight and a mate fantasy would do the opposite.

Now today, things were different, the elders had requested an audience with him. It was not that he did not like the elder leaders. The group consisted of past betas and sector leaders of the pack Who all had an opinion on every matter. It was just that all they ever did when they came to him was complain about everything. Rather than help out with problems they just add more to the list. He knew today's meeting would be no different.

"Gentlemen." He acknowledged the group as he took his seat. Most of them replied with nods and the respectful greeting 'Alpha'.

"Alpha." Regis, a former beta spoke. "We know you've been busy with border issues so we are glad you were able to make time for this meeting."

"Always a pleasure, Regis."

"Now, the issue here is the passing on of the Alpha title."

Thorne frowned. "Where is the issue, my son will be taking the alpha title."

"We are of the agreement that, Tristan may not be capable of leading the pack as he should." Elder Moses spoke.

"Not capable?" Thorne shot. "What is this?"

"Alpha we are all aware that, Tristan is the strongest and best fighter but he does lack a certain ability that we can no longer overlook." Elder Shawn spoke.

"Yeah? And what might that be?"

"The boy is without his wolf and that puts, him at the biggest disadvantage. Especially during battle. The pack's safety cannot be placed in the hands of a wolfless alpha. More so he might produce heirs that may also be wolfless. If he is even able to produce any."

"Now, all of you are aware that the pack's survival does not solely rest upon my shoulders. I had a Luna and have a Beta, commanders, captains, trackers, trainers, doctors, down to teachers. Each and everyone has an important role which brings unity and strength to the pack. Even a team of elders who may or may not have wise ideas and suggestions. Being alpha does not mean going wolf on the battlefield."

"We will be made a pack of fools of if we let him lead."

Thorne growled. "Elder Watson, I encourage you to watch your tongue."

"What about, Tristan's other condition? We can't have a leader who just suddenly falls sick from time to time."

"Tristan is your firstborn and we know the title is to be handed down but this time things are different."

"I have weighed all options before and considered all this. Tristan will be a great Alpha. His wolf has nothing to do with his leadership and he does not have to go into the battlefield to prove it."

Henson Valdez frowns And puts himself in the Alpha's line of sight. "And have you really looked at all the options?"

"What is your point, Henson?"

"The point is our late luna, my sister, may she rest in peace. Was adopted by our then-current alpha. My birth father. Removing the alpha bloodline from the true Valdez family."

Thorne rolled his eyes only, Henson Valdez would be bitter about that. His love, Mercy Valdez had been years older than her siblings when, Gunther Valdez was poisoned. Seeing as Hector and Henson had not even gone through their first shifts he had called his adopted daughter along with him, her mate, and bestowed the Alpha and Luna titles upon them.

Had they not had, Mercy the pack would have been dismantled by outsiders leaving most of the pack dead or pack less forcing them to become rogues. They did not have objections then but look at them all now. Ready to dismiss his son from his birthright.

"My son, Corey can correct all that. Tristan, can be Beta or Commander."

Thorne growled once more. "Look at you, giving out orders for me to follow."

"Alpha Thorne, he is right." Elder Moses spoke. "Corey, does have dormant Alpha genes and it would not be a problem handing the title to him."

Thorne stood up. "You will not take my son's birthright away from him. Nowhere in pack law states that his wolf is necessary for the position and my son is not weak. He can easily take down Corey, wolf or not that is why he is Beta bloodline and my son is Alpha bloodline."

"The past mistakes of my father needs to be corrected. The alpha Gene will awaken within the Valdez bloodline in the future and they won't be able to submit as we do now."

"So if you will not give it to, Corey then there is only one option left."

Thorne narrowed his eyes at them. " Which is?" He shot through gritted teeth.

"Chloe Valdez."

"What about her?"

"Since you married into your Alpha tittle it's only fitting that your son does the same."

"You do realize our children have to find their mates?"

"I happen to know that both, Chloe and Tristan are quite fond of each other." Henson smirked. "We know, Tristan has lost the ability to sense his mate..who can say my daughter is not his chosen."

"This will not be happening. I am not forcing them to marry each other. Until you can prove , Tristan can't lead this pack in my place this entire conversation is over and done with. If you don't like it change packs or go rogue. Now if you are done usurping my son's rights I have real matters to address."

He left the conference room not giving anyone the chance to object. Up until now, he had no idea that there were members of the pack who were not fond of him taking on the alpha title. Or maybe it was just, Henson trying to justify his claim to the alpha title. As the alpha he could choose whomever he saw fit to be next in line. It did not matter what that disgruntled Valdez thought.

"Henson, has been drilling that stupid idea into their heads for some time now." Hector Valdez stated.

"You don't stand with your brother?"

"I stand by my Alpha." He stated. "My father was a wise man. You and my sister were what the pack needed to be where we are today."

"You will see to it that, Henson drops this ordeal while I'm away."

In making peace treatys with other packs he had also agreed to work with them. He was leaving for six months to train two packs that had been struggling with rogues. Now, did not seem like the best time but he had already agreed. Hector, could handle his brother.

"Yes alpha." He nodded. "We've both worked with and trained Tristan, everyone knows when the time comes that he will be ready."

"It's a shame you don't have any kids to pass the beta tittle onto."

He chuckled. "They would be awesome just like me wouldn't they?"


Alpha Bale is right you old geezers, Tristan doesn't need to become a wolf to lead his pack. What's your opinion on this readers?



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