I was dumb

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*back in the house*

Jun and Minghao were 20 minutes in the movie when the backyard door opened, they didn't bother to turn around to the others boy wwho are entering their house with just one thought in mind. Saying sorry.

The boys decided that turning around is the best option right now so they puts pause on the TV and then turn around and to their surprise they were met with Chan being push by Jeonghan and Seungcheol towards them while he was gripping on jeonghan's hair, what a pleasing sight.

"Ehem" Jun scoff to get the attention of  the boys, which he did get. Chan turn to face them while murmuring small 'sorry' and bowing his head. He started approaching them and Minghao and Jun were confused while Jeonghan was smiling in pain and Seungcheol trying to unlock Jeonghan's messy long hair.

"Wll... I-I...I- I just wanted to say sorry for all that I did" Chan said out loud in just a breath. All of them were surprise.

"I mean I am sorry for ruining your whole year like this, and wasting your time I did learn that its not okay to force someone on you, and there will always be someone for you. And I just wanted to congratulate you both for your relationship and how pretty you guys are and congrats on finding someone that loves you back. Hope you guys stay together" Chan said he was crying Jeonghan and Seungcheol knew that he mean it and the other two just standed up and went to give him a hug.

"Its okay Chan, congrats on finding the persons for you. So friends?"

            - ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————

A/N: Found a new fan art! Also sorry for posting late and this may be coming to an end maybe on Friday but I am planning on do some fluff chapters every now and then

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A/N: Found a new fan art! Also sorry for posting late and this may be coming to an end maybe on Friday but I am planning on do some fluff chapters every now and then. And if you have ideas for my next story feel free to tell me. Have a great day and feel free to comment also special gift.
Song of the day: Seventeen; Hug.

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