Chapter 2: Denver

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I was late! So late! It was already 7:53. Father ordered us to meet us 8. I paused my reading promising Zara, our virtual assistant, I'd read it after. I had the clock upon the top of my mirror while I rushed to brush my teeth and run my hands through my hair, trying to tame some of the black curls.

"Denver!" I heard Eva's voice call from the hallway.

The foam in my mouth prevented me from calling back, I quickly spit out the toothpaste and washed my mouth before grabbing my shoes. Trying to run while tying your shoes was hard. Eva was at the stairs looking panicked.

"I'm he-" Of course some idiot left a ball on the floor. A ball which I just slipped on. My chin met the ground with a large bang and I tasted blood in my mouth.

"Denver?" Eva hurried over. Her heels clacking on the wood. She bent down and scooped my face up. "Your chins a bit bruised." She confirmed, "But nothing too serious I'll have a look at it later."

"Thanks," I said and she grabbed my hand leading me down the stairs.

My mouth began watering at the smell of pancakes. But then sweat coated my forehead when I heard my father's voice from behind the stairs.

Eva gave me a soft comforting smile. "Go on." She ushered me into the room.

A few kids looked up at me when I came in. Cole's lips were pushed together as he held in a laugh. I ignored him taking my seat across Truth, who was focused on the screen.

"Hello, Denver," Father said suddenly. Now everyone was looking at me.

"Good morning father." My voice came out clear despite the nervous wreck I was inside.

"Finally decided to join us I see?" I put my head down, disappointing our dad was the worst thing any of us could do.

"Yes, it won't happen again."

"Good. Now back to my announcement."

Wait-what? No lecture. No punishment. Looks like everyone was confused. Even Veronica's eyebrows were drawn together as she looked at me. The looks only lasted a few seconds before everyone's heads snapped back to the screen.

"Our youngest House, which is House of Fire has recently prepared the celebration of two youngest star children, Felicity and Archer." Father paused for a second waiting for any sort of comment. When none came he continued, "They turn sixteen, the same age as everyone else."

There was a deep understanding that sparked through the room. We all feared the day we all finally turned sixteen. But there were still no trials, not even a mention of them. Of course, they had to wait until all-star children from all houses were of age.

"The Zodiac Trials will continue." Dad started again, "We begin training next week when I come back." Adara gasped slightly, other than that there was no noise.

"For the remainder of the week, you will continue your lectures as you usually do." Reeve looked at me. I couldn't read his features but I didn't need to know what he was thinking.

"I must go, but Eva will order you to your lectures. Goodbye children." We all stood at the same time.

"Goodbye, father." We managed, our voices still strong.

He nodded in approval then the screen went blank once more.

"No way," Reeve said beside me.

"He can't just drop a bomb like that as if it's nothing!" Adara shrieked.

"Yes. He can. And he did, we need to listen to his orders and train for them. We need to be prepared." Veronica snapped.

"Why do we need training? What's going to happen?" Cole said. I looked up to Truth who's been quiet this whole time. Her dark brown eyes were filled with worry.

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