Chapter 11: Cole

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2 Months Later

I dragged myself out of could smelling brick building. Places like these, with tall buildings and strange people who seemed to have no order but organized at the same time, were always busiest at night. It wasn't what he expected. 

My left arm burned, I made sure to inject myself on my non-dominant arm so I wouldn't have to wield the gun in the left hand again. The weapon still scared me, and my hands became clammy whenever it was in my hand. But I did;t care. 

It had been weeks and I had finally tracked her whereabouts. It's been forever but with another talking, I tracked her down. The thought made me smile.

Father would finally accept me. You won. Those words were an addiction to me as they replayed in my head non-stop. Those were the words that played in my mind as I loaded the gun. 

I threw up my hood, news of the Zodiac Children got out and I wasn't ready to get caught all because some newspaper has my face on it. People bumped into me, some looking back to watch me. But I kept moving my mind mapping out the way. 

Turn right. Find the blue sign and cross the road. Is what it told me. I scared myself as I smiled at the thought of finally pulling the trigger. But it was better than feeling trapped inside me. The building was large and seemed run down. A window was shattered at the top and there were no signs marking what it was used for. 

The entrance was off to the side, making my way over I inspected for any signs of people or noises that hinted at a large group she was rumored to be traveling with. I opened the door with a creak. Stepping inside, my footsteps echoed through the hollow big building. 

It was completely empty save for the run-down vehicles and broken pieces of pipes and wood. The ceilings were high and copper lights hung down from the top, some smashed. "Hello?" I called out hearing no response. I moved a bit further.

Suddenly I came crashing to the floor. Turning my head around, I saw the thin string that ran from a pipe to a broken table leg at the other side of the building. "Dammit," I grunted as I got up. But froze at the feeling of a cold metal object coming in contact with the back of my head. 

" Who are you?" A boy's voice demanded. I raised my hands up, a trick I learned from the gun owner. 

"I'm here to see Veronica."

"She's not he-"

"Cole?" My heart stopped at the familiar voice. "Kyong drop the gun." She demanded. After a moment the gun dropped from my head. I lowered my hands slowly. Kyong stepped back a bit causing me to turn around. She was different. More mature. 

Not the cold Veronica I had gotten familiar with. Her hair was cut completely so it hung just below her ears. Her icy blue eyes were wide as she took me in. She was thinner as well. Something about seeing her raised an array of different emotions. 

"Vi?" I asked forcing the nickname out. Even if it burned on my tongue. 

"Oh my gosh, you're alive." She muttered stepping closer. I nodded. Almost forgetting the facade I was supposed to wear. "Kyong give us privacy." SHe muttered to the boy. 

My eyes widened as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the entrance I had come from. Once we were outside she stepped back. I was taller than her, but only by an inch. And with the boots she had on, we were at eye level. 

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